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Another 93 Transplanted Today 03-06-09

caroltlw said:
What, you don't transplant on the kitchen counter? :lol:

The wife would freak...

2nd and 3rd 20 transplanted...time for a break...I hear fresh boiled crawfish callin' me....



these will be getting a spary of epsom salt in a few minutes...they look a little yellow to me...back in a little while....
gonna give them another week before transplanting...they are growing slower than the other annuums...

gotta full belly of crawfish right now....gonna go transplant as many as I can before I have to read the back of my eye lids...
AJ I think you just inspired my two teenagers! I was bragging on your growrage and they both said to me to clean out our garage and I can do the same thing. It's full of remnants of my other hobby and stuff the ex wanted when she left then decided she didn't and brought back. Anyway I think they actually offered to help clean the garage! I have to go now, I'm feeling feint.

By the way your set up and plants are looking mahvelous! Yours too Carol.
AlabamaJack said:
gonna give them another week before transplanting...they are growing slower than the other annuums...
Yep, they grow slow in the seedling stage but then go nuts after a few inches tall.
patrick said:
AJ I think you just inspired my two teenagers! I was bragging on your growrage and they both said to me to clean out our garage and I can do the same thing. It's full of remnants of my other hobby and stuff the ex wanted when she left then decided she didn't and brought back. Anyway I think they actually offered to help clean the garage! I have to go now, I'm feeling feint.

By the way your set up and plants are looking mahvelous! Yours too Carol.

Better jump at their offer. :lol:
patrick said:
AJ I think you just inspired my two teenagers! I was bragging on your growrage and they both said to me to clean out our garage and I can do the same thing. It's full of remnants of my other hobby and stuff the ex wanted when she left then decided she didn't and brought back. Anyway I think they actually offered to help clean the garage! I have to go now, I'm feeling feint.

By the way your set up and plants are looking mahvelous! Yours too Carol.

thanks Patrick...better let them teens do what they suggested...

imaguitargod said:
Yep, they grow slow in the seedling stage but then go nuts after a few inches tall.

thats cool...I can't wait to taste them....I hope they grow good down here...

Pepperfreak said:
Better jump at their offer. :lol:

yup...what paul said...

OK...not gonna make 120 today....got 101 transplanted...

tray 4


tray 5


I'm done for the day...gonna go play with the wife for a while...
Only 40 today....

caroltlw said:
She plays the guitar too? ;)

you would not believe how talented she is..

ABurningMouth said:
So many different kinds. I love the new growrage shots. Very inspiring indeed.

Thanks AMB

OK, OK...I only got 40 transplanted today....all Bell Peppers

first 20


second 20


so I got 93 + 101 + 40 = 234 for the weekend....still need to transplant 24 Tomatillos and 100 Tomatos before the week is out...

here are the 234 in their new home for about a week to 10 days...

Thanks Carol...I am quite tired myself...drinking my last shiner before I sit down and watch TV....it's been a long and rewarding weekend...
AJ you're a machine man!

I've got to agree with Carol too, it tis beautiful. You need to open up a garden center.
AlabamaJack said:
so I got 93 + 101 + 40 = 234 for the weekend....still need to transplant 24 Tomatillos and 100 Tomatos before the week is out...


I got 324 - would have had another 18 had enough seeds germinated! But remember, I cheat! If Excel is correct, I'm up to the Angel Number - 777 plants so far. Still need to do 72 each of two types of flowers, 36 each of two types of basil, hopefully two dozen special flowers (Brugs) and 72 more toms.

Still won't catch you, AJ, but I'll give you a good run for the money!

hi !

first of all, this is quite the show, wow i am impressed !

as this is my first time growing chilis i have a question for you concerning the distance of the fluro tubes to the plants.

in this pic:

the tubes are quite some way above the plants and they seem properly developed. i always thought you want tubes superclose.

which brings me to this pic where it is the case:

and it gets me thinking if it isnt even TO hot for them being so incredibly close to the lights.

did u ever take temperature readings with a diode or something ?

please shed some information concerning this towards me, thank you very much.
ohmatic said:
hi !

first of all, this is quite the show, wow i am impressed !

as this is my first time growing chilis i have a question for you concerning the distance of the fluro tubes to the plants.

in this pic:

the tubes are quite some way above the plants and they seem properly developed. i always thought you want tubes superclose.

which brings me to this pic where it is the case:

and it gets me thinking if it isnt even TO hot for them being so incredibly close to the lights.

did u ever take temperature readings with a diode or something ?

please shed some information concerning this towards me, thank you very much.

thanks ohmatic and welcome if I didn't already...and you will be sorry you asked with my explanation...I ramble a bit...

the first picture you show is my grow box...the CFLs get too hot to put them as close to the plants as you can with regular fluoros...the box has 8 T-12 40 watt 6500K bulbs producing about 20K lumens...then there are the brighter bulbs which are 6 42 watt (150 eq) 2700K bulbs producing ~16K lumens and 6 23 watt (100 eq) 6500K bulbs producing ~8K lumens (don't remember exactly)... I also have another 6 42 watt 2700K bulbs that are not on...the purpose of this box is to eventually grow over the winter, trying to keep the plant producing if possible...I am trying to create a "Trinidad" environment to grow in...

the second area is my grow area and has three shelves that are 8 feet long and 16" wide...each shelf has 4 shop light fixtures for a total of 8 T-12 40 Watt bulbs in two different color temps, 4100K and 6500K...this area is for transplants before they are moved to he greenhouse...not shown is the germinator where I start my seeds....the grow box is where the trays go after germination...

hope this long winded answer is what you asked...
thank you for the answer, so i additionally garther as long as i dont exceed 30C on the tip of the plants im basically good to go ?
once the seeds have sprouted, I sometimes get to 32C but not constant...most of the time around 28-30C in the box, once in the grow area the temp varies from 22-30C
AlabamaJack said:
they always said a picture is worth a thousand words....so here 'tis...you be the judge...the square containers hold more potting soil than the cups do...good or bad? I don't know...


I too am using the square pots. They are much better than the round ones... Nice job AJ...