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Another Aussie who has f***ed up!

Well my plants haven't been looking to great over the last few weeks and I thought that I may have had a fungal disease.
I have gone to a couple of places for advice. Both asked if I had been underwatering (which I probably had since I thought it was due to overwatering) and also recommended a fungicide as well as a feed as they "looked hungry".

Well I gave them the fungicide on Tuesday and a feed on Wed. The feed was a commercial powdered Chilli Focus. I had put the A & B into containers a couple of weeks ago and mixed with water. One of them had not been dissolving properly. Well because I was in such a rush and never have any time any more I thought it wouldn't matter. How wrong was I.

All of the plants leaves are going yellow, curling up and brown around the edges and then falling off. One plant I lost within 24hrs. After speaking to Dave tonight to see what his plants looked like after overfertilising Im pretty sure this is the killer.
I'm telling you all this not to show what a bloody idiot :oops:I was but how important little details count.

I'm hoping to save them all but if anyone has any suggestions it would be appreciated. What an idiot i am :banghead:

I am now drowning my sorrows with beer, Canadian Club Whisky and fatty Fish and Chips! :cry::drunk:
no suggestions.. but i know what its like to be impatient and want perfect chilli plants! I feel your pain :S
Not happy hey Jan! Too late for any advice i imagine.
Chillis will look after themselves for the most part and ANY ferts or insect sprays should be treated like tnt until you test them. Sorry about your plants Candice, try to flush them with lots of water to get the fert out is my best bet.
I think I could have handled it more if it was due to impatience. Unfortunately it was due to laziness of not mixing the powders properly.
I have now added Tabasco Habanero sauce to my chips and Bhut paste to my fish as payback from my chillies
Well they haven't been looking good for a few weeks and have only fully lost one so there may be hope yet? Just gave em a massive water but am hoping too much water wont cause fungus now!
Oh well serves me right for rushing things. I just need to slow down a bit or just not sleep, one of the two:)

Here is some of the carnage. These photos are from the beginning of the week

Red Savina

Barrackpore 7 Pot


Yellow Bouquet - The one that died in 24 hrs. Notice all the leaves that had fallen, this could be due to something else though. The stems were also brown.

I think that they are "bronzing off', shoot i am trying too google but coming up with nothing,
My mother used to complain about this condition and that is exactly how the leaves looked on her plants. I will look further.

Edit: I should have mentioned that my ma grew roses.
I don't know! It is what she called it- i am still googling. If i can remember somewhat it was to much copper or something, im grabbing at straws here.
ok cool.

These plants were isolated at a friends property and watered by overhead bore water. I m pretty sure trhis is due to overwatering and could be fungal. I rescued some the other day and brought them home but am reluctant to get the rest in case it is contagious.


Not sure if you will be able to see this but this is the same plant as above with black markings through the stem which makes me think its fungal. A few of my other plants that I have at home also have this.

If the plants are in pots, you can pour clear water through them to dissolve and remove the fertilizer.....lots of water.

Then do nothing for a couple of weeks.
Ok well I might not be as stupid as I thought. All the experts had been telling me that they thought it wasn't from fertiliser but still couldn't give me a proper answer. With a little research and advice ftom my boss at the nursery to dig around in the soil I have found a few things. 1. Scyriad fly, 2. Ants, 3. little centipede looking things that move really quick but are very small, 4. white grub/worm type things 5. Some have aphids 6. All the symptoms of leaves curling up and bronzing and dropping points to Thrips (never had them before). So it seems like I have almost everything that you could get! The one that died in 24 hrs is still a mystery but I did find a large amount of slaters there.

I have sprayed all the aphids with confidor (works wonders and will kill Thrips also) and given all the soil in the pots a drench with a suggested chemical from the Agrishop. Hopefully they will have a fuill recovery. Just can't pick any fruit for a few weeks.

Fingers crossed hey
If you wanted to enhance the growing I would try using artificial lighting before planting them outside so they could have more day light and heat. Workin with chemicals is unnatural so its difficult to balance the results you want. I suppose you learned through trial and error ... as with most of us! Good luck to you and you plants

xoxo nicole
Hi Nicole
They were actyally growing under lights for a few months before I planted them. Most were put into pots and the rest in the garden. Some of the ones in pots were not in soil they were in coco so hence the reason I was using chilli focus (nutrients). The reason I had to go to the powdered version was because I was growing over 500 plants and buyng it in the normal form was too expensive.
The chemicals I am using is to kill all the insects in the soil not to enhance the growing. I would rather use chemicals to solve the problem than have all my plants die. Unfortunately "natural" products only work well for me when I use them all the time where as confidor I use once and they are all gone.
But yes it is always a learning process and that is why this forum is good so we can all share our problems and learn from each other. Thanks for your well wishes, I hope they do ok now.