• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Another Aussie who has f***ed up!

WCA...as a preventive measure against insects, use diatomaceous earth sprinkled on the top of your soil and around the plants...the DE is like razor blades to soft bodied insects and will actually cut the legs off of ants...

if you have/had aphids, I bet you a hundred you will find ants that are farming them...

a little prevention will save you a whole lot of heartache (and money and time)
oooo ok I didnt understnad that part! Ive only used this indoors (only had the problem indoors) but my FAVORITE bug repellant is dish soap mixed with water! Its amazing how it works so well and its so inexpensive, also I'm a little OCD with bugs and they kind of freak me out so there may or may not of been times that I obsessively drenched my poor little plants in this soap n water mix... with NO side effects! What I do is just drenech em and touch every leaf and stem .. I was told that the oil in the soap sufficates eggs n bugs. . . So I would leave it on for 15 mins then rinse.. but make sure you do a good rinse! repete every couple days for the straglers that refuse to die... bastards!

I have never heard of this-- using coco instead of dirt?! tell me more!!! you aussies are like a different species hahah xoxo
There are many pros and cons. The biggest pro is probably that it is a renewable resource unlike peat and its got great air/moisture holding capacity. The biggest con I've found is that you generally need coir specific nutrients
Nicole -

Thats ok. Yes it can multiply very fast indoors due to the ideal conditions. I think our weather at the moment has encouraged them though :(

I have used natural products before like chilli and garlic spray etc. It does work but as said before you have to repeat too many times to get rid of the infestation. With the quantity of plants I have, my part time job, my business and a 3 year old and husband I really don't have the time to do it all the time which is why confidor is so great. One application and your done.
It took me 4hours of spraying yesterday and 2 hours the day before and that isn't even half of my plants done. Imagine if I had to do that 3 times.:eh: I barely have enough time to water them.
Wildfire Chilli Australia said:
Yeah will get em up soon.
After over 10 years of growing them and never having any problems typical it would all happen now when it is most important!

Its because you met me ... I have that effect on people ... welcome to the club, drinks are this way ...
What a Bummer Candice:tear:
Was just thinking about sending you an email to find out if you got on top of the leafcurl/leaf drop.
Let us know how you get on. Still having a battle over here too, a lot of leafcurl/leaf drop.
Will be spraying them with Natrasoap tonight and will see how that helps. Tried a Copper fungicide, but to not much affect.
Will catch you down at the festival, got a little Jerky for you and Adam to munch on:cool:(if I can keep away from it!)

Micca302 said:
What a Bummer Candice:tear:
Was just thinking about sending you an email to find out if you got on top of the leafcurl/leaf drop.
Let us know how you get on. Still having a battle over here too, a lot of leafcurl/leaf drop.
Will be spraying them with Natrasoap tonight and will see how that helps. Tried a Copper fungicide, but to not much affect.
Will catch you down at the festival, got a little Jerky for you and Adam to munch on:cool:(if I can keep away from it!)

I have a few probs with the plants including aphids and perhaps Thrips. But am seriously wondering if our weather has anything to do with it all? I know about 6 people in Perth (plants and seeds from diff sources) and they are all having the same problem too. It looks like their about to go into dormancy before winter but I don't see how as it is so bloody hot here. My plants haven't gotten any worse and a few look better but most are still the same. But I will have to give it time as they have only been treated last week and this week and it may take awhile for them to show improvement. I also tried a fungicide also a few weeks ago but not sure if that had helped but don't really think it is fungal anymore except for the plants that were at my friends house that were being overwatered late in the arvo. They seem to have gotten a bit better and not dropping leaves since I have had them.

I haven't had Thrips before and you can't really see them but a lot of the plants have those symptoms - leaves curling up, silvery on the underside and then going a bronze colour.

Anyway, yes will see you at the festival, we will be in one of the big tents. Cool I look forward to the jerky ( if you haven't eaten it) - yours is prob the best I've eaten! If you need any dried pods for it let me know - have lots of Habs and Bhuts that you can use.

See ya there!
I know what you mean. It seems like the plants are getting ready for winter, but how can be when we are getting it soo hot at the moment?
I'll let you know if the Natrasoap/Neem oil treatment helps.
