pests Another Bug Egg ID

I found these eggs stuck to the top of a leaf, they look like seeds but I know they are not from peppers. Does anyone know what these are? The plant is sitting under a huge FL Live Oak



Mamsoth said:
My vote would be for a type of seed rather than eggs
I was thinking the same but need to make sure, not sure what kind of seed would be glued to a leaf.
birdfather said:
almost look like pepper seeds. did you happen to have a pod explode and "shoot it's seed" everywhere? sorry. 
No, never any pods or flowers on that plant yet but that doesn't mean it's not seed from something else ... lot's of things grow up above in the oaks, I can isolate and keep an eye on it in a jar.
Thank you Mamsoth and birdfather for your input ^_^
The bird pooping scenario sounds most likely thus them sticking to the leaf but there has never been any pods on this plant and AFAIK no pods are missing from other plants here but there is always a possibility that one went unnoticed. That said I’ve never seen a bird eat off any of my pods to date but there is always a first time I guess. Thanks everyone for the feedback.
BTW these are thinner than any pepper seeds I’ve ever grown, like paper thin. I’ve decided to toss them.   
The bird pooping scenario sounds most likely thus them sticking to the leaf but there has never been any pods on this plant and AFAIK no pods are missing from other plants here but there is always a possibility that one went unnoticed. That said I’ve never seen a bird eat off any of my pods to date but there is always a first time I guess. Thanks everyone for the feedback.
Any neighbours growing peppers, or any grocery stores throwing out old produce near by?

BTW these are thinner than any pepper seeds I’ve ever grown, like paper thin. I’ve decided to toss them.
Now we'll never know! :-P