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Another Freaking Mutant

Why me?

What is this on the inside of my 7 Pot? The blob in the middle actually hangs like a chandelier when held by the stem. My son took it to school and passed a couple of the things out to his friends and said he tried a bit too. My son thought it was placenta tissue and I think its unborn 7 pots.



So what the hell is it and why is it on the inside of my pod?

Thanks for the help gang.
sometimes like an living thing, mutations happen. think of it as a conjoined twin pepper. You see how it has the tail like a normal pod, well it's not much of a stretch to see how/why it happened. Nature is pretty unstable at times. It's 100% edible though.
I see this all the time is regular green peppers. peppers growing inside of peppers so to speak. Nothing wrong there, but I've never seen that in a hot pepper before.

I wonder what it would look like if you left it growing another week or two?
I've seen it a few times in store bought orange habs as well as with bell peppers. Dunno what causes it though.
I always get lots of habs like that... eat one Patrick... The first orange hab I ever tried i cut that jigger out and ate it. :mouthonfire:
Yeah, I haven't seen this with any homegrown pods this year, but it's pretty typical in pods I've bought at the store. I think it's a kinda weird pod within a pod thing, from possibly two fused flowers. I've had double pods before too, but it's always strange to see the baby pod inside the fully grown one!

And yes as Jimmy said above, the mini pod inside is often quite hot! Cap resin smeared on the outside, as well as a bit inside can make for quite the spicy morsel.
Hey Patrick i dry these out and use them as "flavour bombs" in my cup of soup in the morning, yummers!
Flavor bombs in the a.m. soup. Too early for me Nova I'm still working on becoming a full fledged chilihead.

Looking at the pepper there are five separate little "nymphs" in it and according to my son he gave two away to a couple of freshmen at school. He wasn't able to see their reaction as I picked him up right after. Find out tomorrow.

He's got a few friends that are trying everything I'm growing. One kid ate half of a bhut jolokia. He tried to cool the fire with chocolate milk and ended up spewing it everywhere. Don't ya just love kids?
I just had my first harvest of orange habs and found these in 10 out of 11 of them. Pretty warm too. I gave them a little nibble to see