Another free sauce contest

magicpepper said:
to bad it wasnt for canada as well, i drew half of my tattoo's and have the art work still.  oh well. the sauce sounds very good as well.
Post 'em anyways! BTW, your package should be there soon.
Are there any legalities in shipping liquids up north? I wasn't sure how customs viewed such things.
that i am not sure of, judy at pepperlover was telling me she has shipped fresh pods up here with out a problem. and i got some free bhut powder with my order and that wasnt an issue, but i havent had an issue with anything else i have ordered (from customs anyway) 
awesome, i cant wait to start my purple jala x reaper cross lol
i will post some of my pics though.
This seems like a pretty cool contest.  I am in the non-artistic crowd, but I can draw a pretty mean transparent cube.  :)
I may doodle a little bit, and see if I can come up with anything worthwhile.
I am definitely looking forward to what others come up with.
I have been and still currently am a fan of the game Team Fortress 2.
Anyways, Valve Software ran a contest a while back to design a game-themed drawing. The winner got some prize which escapes me currently.
This was more-or-less my entry for that contest. The dog wasn't actually a character in the game at the time, but I included it as a tribute to a user designed concept that had previously gained attention.
This may sound like a stupid question, but how can I post a picture from a folder on my PC?
I've been here long enough, I should be able to figure it out lol 
You need to grab it and send it to photobucket to get it embeded. Them just post away. On your computer, in a file, its just a pic. You need to embed it somewhere. Facebook would work too.
yup, upload to photo bucket then click the IMG link on the right, it will turn to "copied"
start a post here and right click paste, image will appear in your submitted post.
took me a while so i figured id help but I'm dumb and not that good at things
Rymerpt said:
Lol, I will, don't worry. 

BigRed12315 said:
Lol, I will, don't worry. 

for True North Reptiles! Decided to make a hot sauce label. Just a little draft/doodle. 
you figure there would be more posts lol  ill post some more pictures  :rofl:
edit:   kinda like how i cant even give away my jalapeno powder lol what is going on here people, its free post up some pictures!!!!