Another Hello from the UK.....Wiri Wiri

Hi everybody....another hot pepper enthusiast has joined your ranks!

However, I'm in bad need of help....

For years I've been dreaming of a hot pepper sauce my parents used to make when we lived in was still British Guiana when we were there.

However, it uses the Wiri Wiri pepper and try as I might, I cannot seem to be able to source this pepper from within the UK.

Nor have I been able to buy it on the Web....not even seeds.

I have been told that the Guyanese Government strictly controls the export of this plant/seeds....but don't know if this is true. I can't see any valid reason for such a control (if it exists).

Can anybody point me to a supplier in the UK? Can anybody sell me some peppers or seeds?

There will be a couple of free bottles of sauce for anybody who can help me. You'll be knocked out by the flavour....guaranteed!!
I believe a Wiri Wiri is a cherry pepper.