ant control

Has anyone used nematodes to control ants? What are some other ways of controlling ants? I have always had ant problems in my yard and nothing seems to work after doing some looking on the web I found that nematodes will control ants but will the nematodes eventually become a problem because they will definetly thrive around my house if they love ants. I do not have aphids in the garden (knock on wood) but alot of ants crawling around everywhere right now I just disturb the ant hills every time one appears but there are so many ants this is an every day thing and I would rather have a more permanent solution.

i am also having a big problem with ants. in years previous there was english ivy on the house and the ants had enslaved thousands of aphids to make nector. i have gotten rid of the ivy and aphids but many ants remain. last year for inside the house i used RAID ant traps/bait house things once and after a week no more problem. i also had sooooooo many ants in the dirt around my lavander plant it was dieing so i mixed insome diotomatios earth and boom, done. still ants but not IN the dirt.

but to answer your question, i dont know what will get rid of them..... i think there will always be ants, we just try to keep them in check.

good luck
I've used the nematodes to help with flea control, and I felt like they did make a difference. I had read they would help with fire ant control, but I don't muck around with fire ants, I treat with one of the poison baits.

The problem we have now is that our neighborhood has a mega-colony of Argentine Ants. Treating my yard only gives temporary relief, because they just spread back from neighboring yards. They get in everything!

...but, say, they really keep those fire ants under control.
In order to get rid of them you have to kill the queen. So like LUCKYDOG said Ortho work to keep them under control. I treat the ground in the garden once a month but for the frist two month of growing season and hope it donot kill the ladybugs, I know some will not like that but it kepps the ant out of the pods they will enter them if you have to many ants. Hope some one has better way.


bowhunter said:
In order to get rid of them you have to kill the queen. So like LUCKYDOG said Ortho work to keep them under control. I treat the ground in the garden once a month but for the frist two month of growing season and hope it donot kill the ladybugs, I know some will not like that but it kepps the ant out of the pods they will enter them if you have to many ants. Hope some one has better way.



Or, you can try dry ice to kill the colony.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)method. Insert several pounds of dry ice or inject the dense gas which is one and a half times heavier than air (use a 20# cylinder of CO2 with 12 foot of hose and a 3’ - 4’ pipe attached) into the ant(and fire ant!) mound and it moves downward killing all worker ants, larvae and the queen. There is no odor or warning as the CO2 gas silently replaces the air in the entire chamber and any connecting tunnels or chambers or mounds. CO2 is not harmful to plants or lawns and after killing the fire ants in the mound, CO2 returns back into the air.
thepodpiper said:
What about in the garden what can I use that is safe around veggies?


My suggestion is that you find out what kind of ants they are, and then get the appropriate bait. Less chance of harming yourself or any beneficials that way.