In here, we are a GANG! We are a gang of anti-CI enthusiasts, who on principle alone, have chosen to live a CI-free existence. We do not tolerate infiltrators, unless they are amusing or bring vodka. Sicman is our Leader. He makes the rules, which he can change hourly, and we usually break anyway. For which we are severely punished, which only encourages us to become more unruly. Particularly after 8:00 PM, as our leader retires before the roosters on his farm do.
LDHS - there is no reason to be frightened...we are a friendly crew...unless provoked. At which point you may want to be prepared for our stealthily Nija-like backlash. Which can almost always be diverted with a quick toss of a tiny vodka bottle. There - now I think you're caught up!

(did i get that about right, Leader????)