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Any easy way to this pepper burn off my fingers?

In all seriousness, I keep a bottle of generic Gin (yellow label, black font "GIN") in the freezer for exactly this. Oil is alcohol soluable & gin gets super cold in the freezer (as most of you lushes should know) - washing your hands in ice cold gin is both extremely soothing & extremely effective for removing capsaicin from skin.

Never soaked my balls in it but I imagine it would be quite pleasant, if a bit cold.

As with most troubles in life, the winning answer is alcohol folks.

Dam that sounds good:} Yea my Physicist Brother enlightened me to that fact of course we had a couple of shots while de-toxing my nose-pickin finger....Thx Lucky and Bite me Mill
It works really, really well. :cheers:

Oil is not great - it'll dilute the pepper oils, but not remove them. The gin actually absorbs the oils and then they wash off in soapy water.
I like to use Gojo hand soap with pumice. I get that free nail brush they put on the bottle and get deep into the nooks and crannies and scrub it all away. I figure since its made to get greasy grime off mechanics hands it has no trouble with the oils. I am going to try the gin method though, that definitely makes sense.
I always do the first washing with cold water and soap. I don't "know" that it works better, but it sure seems to! I got it in my head that cold water closes the skin pores enough to rinse away the oil before it absorbs into the skin. But maybe now it's just become a superstition! hahaha

When I was a kid, I got badly burned chopping jalapenos. My mom ended up calling poison control and they advised soaking my hands in cold vinegar or cold milk. I don't know too many adults that have time to sit around "soaking" - so I vote for LDHS's remedy! And if a little spilled into a glass with ice, tonic, and a bit of lime....all the better! ;)
Just wash your hands with whatever strong grease cutting soap you can find, rinse with vinegar or gin if you think it'll help, and then drink until you're comfortably numb.


and then next time....wear gloves!
I find that if you remove the offending burning fingers they don't burn anymore. ;)
If you don't wish to use drinking alcohol you can use some rubbing alcohol to help take care of some of the oil.
Wash your hands with a nice grease cutting soap and then dry hands. Apply a nicely greasy moisturiser (with plenty of natural oils) rub into your hands well and then wash hands again with the soap rinse well dry and you are usually good to go.
Wash hands with dishliquid. Dry hands. Pour rubbing alcohol into cupped hands and work into hands and fingers as if it were soap. Wash hands with dishliquid. Dry hands. No problem afterward.
I wear contact lenses and after ruining several pairs (they are water soluble, hence pepper oil soluble), I learned that this method is the only method that totally works every time.
For whatever reason, I've found Bath and Bodyworks antibacterial hand soaps tend to work better than others. It's not perfect though - it won't eliminate the burn in one wash, and even after a few washings not 100%. However, I do a combo - first I use Dawn, then the B&B, then back to Dawn, then B&B a couple times. This usually at least makes it tolerable.
That's funny. I also use dawn and B&B. Just cause they're both there, but it works
I came across this on another forum & was a bit critical till I tried it works! Works better than anything else I have ever tried!
Wet your hands, put a tablespoon full of sugar in your palm and rub in to your hands like you were washing them, then add
a dab of dishwashing liquid (I use blue Dawn) rub it in and wash with water and rinse, the cap will be gone!! Try it,
IT WORKS!!!!!!

Butch T
I came across this on another forum & was a bit critical till I tried it works! Works better than anything else I have ever tried!
Wet your hands, put a tablespoon full of sugar in your palm and rub in to your hands like you were washing them, then add
a dab of dishwashing liquid (I use blue Dawn) rub it in and wash with water and rinse, the cap will be gone!! Try it,
IT WORKS!!!!!!

Butch T

Good to know. Your peppers set my hands on fire when I was prepping them for chili a few days ago. :rofl: :hell:
I came across this on another forum & was a bit critical till I tried it works! Works better than anything else I have ever tried!
Wet your hands, put a tablespoon full of sugar in your palm and rub in to your hands like you were washing them, then add
a dab of dishwashing liquid (I use blue Dawn) rub it in and wash with water and rinse, the cap will be gone!! Try it,
IT WORKS!!!!!!

Butch T

I'm butch t and I approve this message.

That should be your new sig