Any growers in KS?

Glad to hear the seeds did well, and sorry to hear about your puppy attack. I have made the mistake of planting with bone meal, and have had dogs dig up my entire garden before.
I have had an active website since 2010, but last October my web hosting company unceremoniously decided it would no longer work with PayPal, so I had to move to a different web provider on very short notice. I don't have a lot of time to spend on things like that since I work full time and commute 60 miles each way. I'm sure some tech guru could have moved the site in 10 minutes, but I had to move it piece by excruciating piece, and it took me a long time. I still don't have some things working (like the chile powders), but I don't sell a lot of those anyway.
I do grow everything I sell. Some of my seed stock came from swaps, so I want to grow it out first to make sure it is true. Last season I had a whole lot of untrue hybrids, so I didn't have a whole lot of seeds I could sell.
Your growing operation sounds pretty ambitious, but I would love to help. If you could give me some advance notice on what varieties you want to grow, I can stock up on those. I typically don't keep a whole lot of any one variety on hand, so I'm not really equipped to supply quantities for large grows, but I can scale up if notified in advance.
GhostPepperz said:
Yes I remember you. The seeds did great. You replied quickly with the order too. I did direct sow with your seeds, and also started some indoors to later transplant outside in buckets. Last spring here if you remember we had so much rain it literally flooded the seeds to death. The indoor ones I transplanted outside did great, but most my crop was devastated by a puppy. Who knew dogs liked to eat pepper plants?
I see you have a new website, or at least I dont remember you having one last winter. An acre is plenty of room for the perfect grow. Im hoping to buy some land in Jefferson County later in the year to grow next spring. I like your website. Do you grow all those strains on your property? Ill be making more trips to Topeka this spring/summer. Have some Geologists that live there that are helping me with some work related matters. Hope your business grows (no pun intended) and takes off. If I get some land I wouldnt mind working with you on space to grow a large operation. Im looking for 80 acres minimum, but would really like a quarter section (160 acres). Need to find one with a large pond. Preferably spring fed, large enough to hold big fish, and large enough to pump water our to water acres of peppers. Pepper plants love nutrient rich pond water.
I could use some more seeds actually. Might have to place another order!