Any hope for my Tabasco? :(


Damn wind snapped her stem!!!! I just shoved it back in soil and hopefully it will regrow roots

However this plant was weird. It has like 4-5 pups like cactus shoot out of the roots to grow new baby cactus, my tabsaco did that. SO there all there maybe they will all become a big one.

but still my main stem had some nice tabs growing! Very pissed and sad
It's a bit hard to say with out pictures, but if it is shooting out suckers I would select two or three of the strongest ones and see if they can be cultured along to produce a bush for you.
Something that I've learned and started to do with ALL of my peppers *Except perhaps lower growing habanaro class peppers* is to tie them off to a stake.

Pretty simple, get a package of bamboo poles or something similar, push them in the ground early on in the growing season as close to the plant as you can get.
Then tie the plant to the stake.
Simple, and it gives some needed reinforcement to the plant while growing for storms. You may take storm damage, but nothing that will set you back more than a couple of weeks most likely, and certainly not a catastrophic snapping of the main stem.
Yes thanks for that me and the pops are going to go out and buy some soon

took a few yellow tabs only bout a week old and they had some punch to em! Damn why this plant!

Stem snap :


Stem takem off:

Also, be careful what you use to tie the plant to the stake...wires or thin material can cut into the plant over time or cut it every time the wind blows. I cut strips out of old cotton socks or strips of pantyhose so that it will stretch with the plant as it grows or moves with the wind.
Bigbodybussey nailed it, I go with some soft twine made of a natural fiber for my tie offs and have yet to see a problem. I do give the plant slack though which is a key point. They can move around in most breezes, but strong winds they will be unable to totally snap off.
Yeah don't share my experience the first year I staked a few Thai plants with fishing line (told that was a good way to tie it up)...1 windy thunderstorm later and the line, even loosely tied, cut the main stem in two. Lost about 100 peppers in that debacle....but sometimes you have to learn from your mistakes. As Obsidian said, no matter what material you use...tie loosely and it will be fine
Tying scares me. I live in west texas and a 40 mph wind is a common occurrence, so maybe more so me than most people. I always always always stake though. This year I got some taller buckets (ones they use to transport trees in) to plant in and only filled them about half way that way the wind wouldn't hit them early on. Like the others say, stake early and as close to the plant as possible. Even if you need to use 2 then I would. ANYTHING is better than a unavoidable snapped main stem.
Since that plant has no corresponding roots to aid all that greenery up top, I expect it to die. If you're actually interested in saving the plant I would cut of most of the top growth, no roots cant support all that stuff up there without great care, a humidity dome, and foliar feeding.
Strongly disagree Cyan. The root system that supported the whole plant is still there. I lost 8 Bhuts and 8 CarRed Hads last year to high winds and hail. All 16 plants were cut off at ground level. They had been about a foot or so tall. I thought I had lost all of them. Nothing for about three weeks, then BOOM, off they all went. By years end those 16 were the tallest and bushiest of all my plants.

If all you lost was the stalk you will be ok. Now, if you broke the tap root it won't make it. No need for any extra care, just keep treating it as you were. It was happy and it will continue to grow (after a pause to recover) as before. If the plant goes on a slide then the root system was damaged and there is NOTHING you will be able to do to fix it.

Good luck
Agreed woody. I had just cut down 2 hab plants and ground level expecting to kill them. Low and behold today (a few days later) coming out of the stalk are new shoots

So i expect the same to go for my tabasco, in a few days i bet there will be new shoots. Also the shoots that are left in the pot oughta get bigger now
"cyan i did try to plant broken stem :P i tossed it though"....

don't blame you....had this happen before and tried my best to shove them back to miraculously grow roots, haha