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pests Any idea of what bug does this?


Whatssss up forum :D

I just noticed this today, but about two or three of my plants are getting these little holes in the leaf. And I cant seem to find whats doing it. Any ideas?
could be a lot of different bugs.....Earwigs, Slugs, beetles....check the plants at night with a flashlight and you will probably see the culprit. I'd check once right after dusk, if you don't see anything, check again an hour later and so on.
Well i do notice these little flies around it, maybe gnats? And there are some earwigs around here but i didnt think they ate plants o.o
The little flies are probably mature fungal gnats. They are more an annoyance than harmful to your plants. (The larva in the ground can kill smaller plants like seedlings)

I have earwigs that are eating the crap out of my garden at home and then there was one plant in my other garden that had a bunch of slugs eating it alive, that I found at night.

Go to Menards/Homedepot/FarmandFleet/AceHardware or whatever you have out by you and get yourself some Diatomaceous Earth (sold in the garden section for pests) Dust it around the base of your plants and by and leaves that touch the ground. You don't have to come too far out from the stem. Anything that crawls on the ground will die within 48 hours of contact (earwigs,ants,slugs,beetles....bad thing is it kills good and bad garden dwellers but if you have a problem and need them gone, use this) Make sure you don't breath it in. Read warning labels.

Hope this helps. If all the critters are doing is eating on a few of the mature leaves, then I wouldn't worry too much. If they start going after the new growth or destroying whole leaves......kill em' dead.
Well they just put holes in my leaves, but never eat the full thing. But even in the new leaves they put holes. Should i nuke them?
your plant looks like a plant i have and it was a little small caterpillar looking thing.eating it.

That must be a stong caterpillar, climbing up my table and onto the scorching sides of the black bucket in the sun o.o what a champ then. Lol i never thought of that. Maybe an inch worm? Il keep an eyeee on it.
Hey Joey now that I remember I did have a earwig try to climb up the side of my hydro bucket. It got stuck in the tape. So I killed it.
Hey Joey now that I remember I did have a earwig try to climb up the side of my hydro bucket. It got stuck in the tape. So I killed it.
Hey guys back with an update.

After two nights of finding them on my plants, ive blamed the damage on earwigs. As much as I hate to say that, ( the things creep me the fuuuuudge out )

What are some ways of annihilating some of the bugs?
If you've got the money, high-powered lasers with an infrared targeting system.

Or, less awesomely, some of these could be an option. Cultivate some spider presence perhaps.
How would one cultivate a spiders presence? I heard they are tons of help in keeping bugs away.
A quick googling gives me this, which gives a few generic ideas. Look through the bottom section on common garden spiders, see if you recognize any that are native to your area.

If you've got the time and inclination, tracking down a spider egg sac and letting it hatch in the garden would probably be a great way to get spiders in your garden. I know I used to be able to find them all the time as a kid, but that was long, long ago and I can't say for sure if it's a practical approach. Can't even recall when they're 'in-season', but that probably varies by species anyway.