health Any idea what I have done wrong?

I planted these, and all had been well with them until last weekend. They were growing great, then suddenly the brakes got jammed on, and they stopped, the leaves started turning light green and sort of yellowish, except the first two leaves which did turn pretty yellow.

Until two nights ago, I had not put any ferts on these, except one foilage spray with epson salt Monday night...I waited a couple of days and observed no change, except they got a little worse. Night before last, I went ahead and hit them with a 12-4-8 fert. They seem to have improved some as of today, but I can not be certain.

Do you guys think the 12-4-8 fert will fix this problem given a few more days, or will I need to do something else? Do I need to add more Phosphate? I have a 4-12-4 that I could hit them with when they dry out in a couple of days. The soil is moist, not wet, and it drains well. I water these all individually, one by one. I would really like to salvage these babies if I could, all my Biker Billy's are in that tray! Also of note, I have looked for pests, with a magnifying glass, and cant find any at all. refer to the first pic below for said tray.


Now, just for comparison, below is one of my other trays....much more pleasing to the eye
and these have been treated virtually identical to the tray above...I don't get it.

The purpling is usually just due to your light being too close. Mine did that last year, but they didn't stop growing? It could be the lighting, but the top picture looks like the soil is wetter than the bottom. Could be over-watered.
I don't think they look too bad, really. The purpling is probably because they get a lot of light and is not necessarily a bad thing and the cotydelons are supposed to die and drop of. Continue with weak fertilizer and let the soil dry out between waterings - to the point where the plant actually start to wilt.
Yea I am not concerned about the purple leaves at all, thanks to previous posts by the good people at these forums.... My concern now is primarily the very slow growth, light color and yellowing of the leaves. Also after I posted this last night I noticed some purple veins at the throat of the leaves...if I recall this is not so good. I will do some looking into that. As for watering, the two trays are on a different schedule due to planting date. I am being certain to let the mix dry out between waterings.
POTAWIE, It is Jungle Growth Growers Mix, supposed to be for seedlings and cuttings. It has A little pine bark in it, but overall not real chunky...that one plant does look to have a bit of pine bark on the top...but both trays have the same type mix in them....all but the one tray in the top most picture are doing pretty good.
Looks to me like they are being over watered (too often). Let the plants (not the soil) tell you when they need water before you water them again and see how they do.

Will do Alan, I am thinking the same thing now. The ferts did make a little difference, they look better, for the most part....but, still not near up to par with the others. I will wait a while before I water the next time and see how it goes.
