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Any idea whats eating the leaves??

So I have searched every single plant I have (35 to be exact) and so far have found 2 with this damage. I cannot find anything under the soil or on the plants. Trying to figure out what I can do to stop this before it gets worse or even spreads.

Here is the Link


It only appears on the 2 Devils tounge plants but not the others. Picky insect maybe??

Devils Tounge
7 Pot
7 Pot Yellow
Scotch Bonnet Red & Yellow
Yellow Ghost
Trinadad Yellow
im just throwing a guess out there... it looks similar to what caterpillars do, except often they munch on the middle of the leaves and not just the outside. Ants also, but leaf eating ants are normally found in like rainforest areas only.

my guess seeing as where you live is going to be some sort of caterpillar, hence why you cant find the small bugs.... the caterpillar shows up and eats large quantities in one sitting