Any ideas

i know this is a hard question but any one have a clue what kinda pepper this might be.

i am waiting on a flower to get the species but have not had any flowers since the pods were formed
thanks nick
that's the problem this year i just grew out all my left over seed from the past 5 years. so i have know idea where the seeds came from. and due to me being stupid and dropping a whole tray of seedlings i was not able to put them back in the same order. as i used a separate piece of paper for id purposes. kinda like a map with names written in the rows. that's why the order mattered. then to top it all of i lost my grow list so i don't even know what i planted. kinda dumb i know. but at least now i have learned to type my grow list and save it on the computer
Yeah, cool looking pepper, VtPepper!:think:

Please keep us updated with info on taste, looks, etc...

Maybe it will be worth growing next year, too...:)
update on pepper i dont have camera handy put they look the same as the pic only they are red now will bite into it after coffee to test its heat level