business-legal Any money in farming pepper's ?

Well I'll soon be leaving California , We are thinking of buying a few acres in KY, or Tenn looking for something to make a Income from really don't want to go back into the work force , It would be nice to make money doing something I enjoy . 
Bet it would be a hard start though finding contacts and buyers .
Might even consider growing Mushrooms .
I actually read peppers were one of the most profitable things to grow.
But for a small grower, I wouldn't think it would be to profitable, specially as it is a seasonal thing.
But the way I see it, there are many ways to make money off of it. Seeds, fruit, plants themselves can be sold, powders, hot sauce, salsa, ect.
If you put in the work anything can happen, specially when you enjoy doing what you do.
Keep your day job.
Grow what you want.
Sell what you can't use so you see some return on what you've spent.
Sure you likely won't even break even but some of it back is better than none...especially when the alternative is a packed freezer and a bunch of rotten pods.
I can't really speak from my own experience, but a couple people that used to frequent here tried it and quit the business pretty soon thereafter. AJ tried selling superhots through a local grocery store, but found the challenges to harvesting and delivering a rapidly-perishing crop were just too much. Mike McDermott also went all in and grew commercially for a couple of years, but gave it up after finding out it consumed all his free time. Dale Baker is the only one I know that jumped in full time and is still at it, but he grows in South Florida where he can grow basically year-round.