chinense Any Superhot Chinense x Baccatum crosses out there?

Hey guys,
I've been searching the web for something about someone crossing a superhot with a baccatum, but I can't seem to find anything. I'd think it would have been done for sure but I'd probably need to look for specific crosses instead of just 'superhot baccatum cross'. Can any of you folks here enlighten me?
spicefreak said:
It is unknown exactly what the species of it is and it doesn't seem to posses the placental wall coatings of a true super but the Vanilla Sugar Rush might be of interest here. Certainly tasted like an abnormally strong Baccatum.

Or there's the Aji Painapple, a pet project of one of our fellow forumers involving the Aji Pineapple and the Butch T Scorpion.
sirex said:
Check out the D3 crossing thread
Oh damn, I totally forgot about the Aji Painapple. I feel stupid now. That Sugar Rush Vanilla looks pretty interesting too. Any others like the Painapple out there? 
A fan of the starfish shape, but wanting something hotter, I tried to cross with a bunch of different chinense candidates this past year.  Flowers fell, thought a pod started, but nothing.  I -think- maybe it is a hard cross to go chinense x baccatum.  That or I am just not skilled enough.  Maybe my paint brush needs to be longer.
AJ Drew said:
A fan of the starfish shape, but wanting something hotter, I tried to cross with a bunch of different chinense candidates this past year.  Flowers fell, thought a pod started, but nothing.  I -think- maybe it is a hard cross to go chinense x baccatum.  That or I am just not skilled enough.  Maybe my paint brush needs to be longer.
heres a star shaped chinense for ya ;)
i got some seeds as a bonus last year with my order but i didnt grow it  :think:  not sure why  :neutral:
guess it will go on this years growlist 
thanks for reminding me :D
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
heres a star shaped chinense for ya ;)
i got some seeds as a bonus last year with my order but i didnt grow it  :think:  not sure why  :neutral:
guess it will go on this years growlist 
thanks for reminding me :D
Purchased those from her a year or two back.  I do very much like the Star of Turkey, grew great, tastes great.  Still, not tremendously hot and I really do go for funky shapes.  Not saying I dont grow for flavor or to eat, but I am as in love with color and shape as I am flavor.  Kind of like the folk who grow fancy flowers only I have never liked eating flowers.
I'm currently attempting one. Today I tried to pollinate 3 chinese buds with baccatum pollen. Next I'll try the other way around hopefully one will produce a pod.