any superhot growers here in philippines?

hi pepper heads. anyone from philippines. all 4 of my friends sent me super hots from around the world all fail to arrive i dont know whiy. please help me.
try typing philippines into the search engine and see what that pulls back for you. we have had members from the philippines and surrounding areas in the past.
that way you can PM them and perhaps they can recommend local sources for you, even if they haven't been active for a while, their emails that are attached to the THP may still be active. you could also go into inactive members profile and view their past posts, that may direct you to sources as well.
good luck
Try having them send seeds mixed in different bags of labled powder. If customs is stopping them they might let "pepper seasonings" pass, through. I know you can't send them to Australia and that works just haven't sent mine out yet. I have some that are supposed to go to the Philippines too that i haven't gotten around too yet. Not sure if they were for you tho because of the screen names on here. The person i met was on fb.. Any how I'll keep watch of this and see what happens before i decide to send em.