seeds-germination Any way I can sprout these old seeds?

CaneDog said:
I've posted this previously I think, but it's a good resource on seed drying and storage.
That's an awesome resource; thanks for posting it. I've followed some basic advice I got here on THP and I'm still having the most success with seeds I saved myself, including seeds from summer 2016 that I saved from Bonnets I bought at the Trenton Farmers Market bitd. But when I save my 2019 stuffed, I wanna tighten up a bit...
dragon49 said:
I followed all of the correct drying and storage procedures EXCEPT for climate control.  The manila envelope with the seeds had been sitting in a basement linen closet.  Humidity wasn't a problem, (neither with the basement, nor with the storage) but I have no idea what the temperature was and I'm sure it varied.
Yep, living things.  You can do pretty-much everything right and sometimes have problems anyway or just about nothing right and you might still get lucky.  Who knows how many times you could follow the same method and have no issues. 
I keep my seeds in a pelican case with light desiccants.  The case stabilizes the temperature somewhat - at least it lessens any rapid changes - but they're merely a cool room temp.  Still, they've generally lasted well for me.