As a way to save money by using less electricity I put my seed trays in a 90L/23gal aquarium then placed it up against the window in my shed (no lid during the day or they would boil). They get about four hours of direct sunlight from early morning but I place the aquarium out on the lawn to get sun all day when it's not cloudy.
They still use a heat mat at night since its been cold at night but I'm not using electricity for light and as a bonus my plants never have to be hardened to the sun.
I'm happy with this method and will use it from now on. I got 43/44 seeds (courtesy of jwc10) germinate and all seedlings growing fast.
They still use a heat mat at night since its been cold at night but I'm not using electricity for light and as a bonus my plants never have to be hardened to the sun.
I'm happy with this method and will use it from now on. I got 43/44 seeds (courtesy of jwc10) germinate and all seedlings growing fast.