• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Anybody else growing cannabis?

Uncle Eckley

We've had legal homegrow in Virginia since the summer and I've been having a blast. I run a little 36x20x63 tent and have been able to provide a modest abundance for myself and some family. Just switched from a three-plant staggered autoflower cycle with individual reservoirs to one big reservoir so I can run autos or photos.
Anybody else post your rig?

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I smoke pre 98 bubba kush daily. one of my favorite strains.

Everybody loves Kush so it's everywhere. Everybody but me. Just tastes piney to me. SO many beans with Kush in 'em..

Also, wtaf is it with all these weird flavors these days? Diesel? Soap? Turpentine? I like the fruity flavors; is it just because I started with cannabis in the 90s? Seems like people are conflating foul, chemical flavors with potency or something.
Everybody loves Kush so it's everywhere. Everybody but me. Just tastes piney to me. SO many beans with Kush in 'em..

Also, wtaf is it with all these weird flavors these days? Diesel? Soap? Turpentine? I like the fruity flavors; is it just because I started with cannabis in the 90s? Seems like people are conflating foul, chemical flavors with potency or something.

Speaking of "fruity", the only weed I ever saw during the 70s were types of "Sativa", the plants with thin leaflets, and a whole different terpene profile that was more fruity or citrus. They grew very tall with longer internodes and had the perfect shape of christmas trees if left untopped. Despite the unrefined genetics, it was pretty good stuff. It was during the early to mid 1980s that I first got my hands on some seeds from BC... (BC hydroponics! hahaha). So we grew out many plants and they were so different at first, we all doubted they were actually really cannabis during their early veg. They looked like bushy houseplants to me. Lol

They ended up growing huge buds all over, and the potency was good. But the taste terpene profile did take getting used to. It was more earthy, skunky, and some fossil fuels in there for good measure. It did grow on my over the years. I couldn't imagine life today without either. And many breeders have been doing great things today. You can buy seeds depending on your preferred terpenes, cannabinoid balance, and potency of each.

Edit: I should mention that "Bubba Kush" is an old one, starting around here from the late 1970s and 80s. But I think that particular type was originally grown in India for a couple thousand years before it got popular here in Canada, other than in the form of imported hash.
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Yep. Good ol' Hindu Kush. I did some Purple Kush outside this summer; beautiful plant, but blech. Me no likey. Pine.

It really is amazing the variety of flavors out there. Identifying them on the palate is fun. Strawberry, mango, blueberry, pineapple.. The GSC I've got yields rosin that tastes like brown sugar and cinnamon.

Lol, every redditor on r/trees has been saying this since the beginning!
That's it mate, you just convinced me, I'm starting to toke again😆
As an herbalist I have known for many years the health benefits of this god given magic plant, THC & CBD both.
I just hope the FDA does not go after CBD just due to it's positive effect on the China Virus.

The FDA is now actively going after a dietary Supplement ( N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) just because it helps keep your lungs clear with the flu.
Look at the health benefits NAC offers & ask yourself. Why is the FDA going after anything, that may save human life?


OK, so I didded it.

Guy I got the seed from couldn't remember the strain, just said "If you drop a bud on the floor, good luck cleaning that sticky mess up!"


Forgot to add that we are fair well stocked in edibles, salves and oils now, and one is a hybrid gummy, 10mg THC, 10mg CBG.

Yeah, CBG. I had to look it up. Yet another extract, supposed to do wonders for hypertension, which is what I figured the THC was all about...
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OK, so I didded it.

Guy I got the seed from couldn't remember the strain, just said "If you drop a bud on the floor, good luck cleaning that sticky mess up!"


Forgot to add that we are fair well stocked in edibles, salves and oils now, and one is a hybrid gummy, 10mg THC, 10mg CBG.

Yeah, CBG. I had to look it up. Yet another extract, supposed to do wonders for hypertension, which is what I figured the THC was all about...

Hey hey! :party: Keep us posted!

Let this be the community cannabis glog? One thread'll do on a chili pepper board.
So I am curious, has anyone tried making a bonsai/ bonchi out of a cannabis plant. Not sure if they would work that way or not.

Cannabis is very receptive to training. Bonsai-ish things are done, but it's not sustainable. I've got a plant in my window next to my chair now that I'm training back and forth on itself, but that's just to keep it compact in a tight space. Hang on, I'll get a quick photo..

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OK, I am officially curious: One of these gravity-challenged seeds has sprouted upside-down. The tip of the main root was sticking a quarter inch out of the ground, no indication that it wants to seek the soft brown earth. Is this normal for dope? Or do some of these plants have a habit of imbibing their own product?

I went ahead and got the poor stoned thing reoriented before thinking to take a pic, but I think I was sufficiently descriptive...
Be gentle, I'm a beginner.

This was where I was told to look @ 3 weeks.

So what? Boy or girl? Or too early....?

I'll try be gentle. Lol

It's too early. Preflowers usually start showing once the leaf nodes are staggered rather than opposite. While on a veg light schedule, most plants have to be about 5 weeks old before that starts happening. Some strains can take 8 weeks though.

The preflowers will appear just behind the stipules. Stipules are those leaf-like pointy things that grow from every node for unknown reasons and are clear in your photo.

Edit: You can check this link which has photos to show where the preflowers form, as well as telling the difference between male and female. It takes a bit of practice, but after awhile it becomes easy and you don't even have to wait until you see stigmas (the 2 white hairy things). https://www.growweedeasy.com/preflowers
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