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Anybody grown Devil's Tongue Red??

I have some plants growing at my father's house and stopped by yesterday to move a couple indoors as well as check on the others and I checked this one and it had a pod ripening. However it was not red, but bright yellow on the upper half with the bottom half totally green. No orange or anything. Do the DT Red go green to yellow to red or did I just end up with a regular Devil's Tongue?
I don't remember mine turning yellow, but if they are regular yellow devil's tongue peppers, you may be better off.
The Red is bland and almost tasteless. Just heat, no flavor.
Actually I got them from you! lol Could they be a cross? They are about 2 inches long and maybe 3/4 inch wide and somewhat twisted and gnarly looking, but still tapered.
Actually I got them from you! lol Could they be a cross? They are about 2 inches long and maybe 3/4 inch wide and somewhat twisted and gnarly looking, but still tapered.
That actually sounds like the regular yellow ones I'm growing.
the red is a huge pod and not tapered.
Sorry, I made the mistake of not isolating last year, screwed up my chocolate habs, stuff like this, etc, I'm out of the seed trading scene completely until I get a handle on isolation.

but yeah, sounds like something else.
my apologies
I got mine from Skydiver as well, but they go from green, to brownish, to red. I'm not convinced that it is not some kind of cross though. There is a lot of talk how its shaped like and possibly is Fatalii. Mine do not really look like Fatalii's. They are hot and everybody I've shared them with likes the taste. I have mostly been drying them and grinding up powders. My bottle of Cajohn's Fatalii Fire (which is great BTW) says on the label that the Fatalii is commonly known as "the devils tongue".

Here are some pics. Cheers Mike



A regular yellow Fatalii could easily ripen like you described.
That actually sounds like the regular yellow ones I'm growing.
the red is a huge pod and not tapered.
Sorry, I made the mistake of not isolating last year, screwed up my chocolate habs, stuff like this, etc, I'm out of the seed trading scene completely until I get a handle on isolation.

but yeah, sounds like something else.
my apologies

Hey no problem, definitely do not mind it being a yellow and it's interesting either way. If it did get crossed it's pretty cool that it is yellow and not red like most crosses. If it ends up being good I'll end up saving the seed. I'll have to post a pic of it once it is fully ripened.
Here's an update with pic. I checked it today and it has gone from yellow to orange now. All that is orange now was yellow before. Still waiting to see what happens with it. They are 2-2.5 inches long and 3/4 inch wide.

Had to go REALLY far into my archives (2006). Back when I didn't even know how to spell Chinense properly. lol. :) To me, none pictured yet were what I call the real deal.


I had a plant that produced the same peppers in my garden this year. The only thing that I can think of is that that's an Aribibi Gusano x Red Devil's Tongue cross.

Last season, I'm pretty sure that I had a RDT between the aribibi and the choccy hab.
Tenacious little bugger, and all the more reason that I will never grow the red again.
I had a plant that produced the same peppers in my garden this year. The only thing that I can think of is that that's an Aribibi Gusano x Red Devil's Tongue cross.

Last season, I'm pretty sure that I had a RDT between the aribibi and the choccy hab.
Tenacious little bugger, and all the more reason that I will never grow the red again.

Funny the Aribibi is the first thing that came to mind when I thought of how it looked. Pretty interesting looking cross though! How did it end up tasting? I'm looking forward to trying it.
Funny the Aribibi is the first thing that came to mind when I thought of how it looked. Pretty interesting looking cross though! How did it end up tasting? I'm looking forward to trying it.

Actually not too bad. Much better than the RDTxChocolate Hab cross. They inherited some of the fruitiness of an underripe aribibi, but they gained that stinky yellow pepper aroma.
I had toyed around with the idea of saving the seed from the aribibi cross, but I dunno, those RDT genes just seem too tenacious, it's like they've gained sentience and are actively seeking out other plants to subvert to their unholy plans of taking control of the known universe.

Blood for the blood god!
Had to go REALLY far into my archives (2006). Back when I didn't even know how to spell Chinense properly. lol.
To me, none pictured yet were what I call the real deal.


I got Devils Tongue Red Peppers from Jim Duffy and mine also are now turning yellow. I hope mine eventually turn red like the example cmpman1974 posted above. I also have a Devils Breath that has only one pod and it's been a chocolate color now for nearly a week Don't know if I should wait longer for it to turn red or if it's a cross of some sort. I started both of these from plants and both were from Jim Duffy. All of my other pepper plants I've gotten from him have produced what they should. The only exception is my two Trinidad Moruga Scorpion plants neither of which even produced flowers this year but I hear that'c fairly common with the super hots.