Anybody see this yet?

Can't access the link. But the reason demand is slumping is b/c craft brewing demand is UP. No one is buying your shitty beers. Try improving the quality instead of raising the prices!
weather you drink their beer or not, that's a bunch of BS. Anti-Trust is right! I'm all for a successful company upping their own prices, but working with a competetor to monopolize the market kind of defeats the purpose of "free market" at the expense of the customer.

ballz to them!! I'll stick with imports.
Plus, don't forget this. If allowed to continue like this to raise profit margins, a lot of other companies/brewers will eventually follow suit also. Just like Wal-Mart did. They set the mode standardl and almost everyone else in that market followed suit.
cheezydemon said:

Never had Sam Adams? Rougue? Stone?

You poor deprived bastard.
I can drink American beers and have had enough, just choose not to on a regular basis. I drink meh Irish stouts and dark ales.
:cry: Why are people so unkind? :cry:

No wonder you are never home, hey wait there i know where you live AND i know that you have a 36 year old bottle of scotch somewhere under all your filth. BWAHAHAHAHAHA :hell: