Anybody trying to find fresh pods right now?

I have noticed that there aren't too many people with fresh pods right now. Well, I took most of my larger plants inside before it got cold and they are producing some nice looking peppers. I have seen in the past that people would put a small flat rate box up for auction when supply was short. Would anyone be interested in a SFRB full of fresh red Brain Strain peppers that are ready to go? I got the seeds for these plants from Pepperlover. Most of them don't have the tell tail brain on the bottoms, but they taste good and are really hOT! If there is interest and people think an auction might be fun, I'll check out the posts tomorrow, and I can post the details. I will only send to the US,a nd if you live in a frozen tundra area, you may not want to get these. They wont come with a heater in the box, so if you bid, that would be your risk. Thanks, Tom
I was trying to keep the pods on the plants instead of picking them in advance. But, I will pick the best fit them into the box and then lay them out for a nice picture. I will at least be able to leave the link from the picture hosting site, I still haven't figured how to put pictures directly in the posts, but I'll do as good as I can before this evening.
On the question of cost, with the auctions, the prices vary with the bids. I was thinking at starting at $25 for the box, which would also include the priority shipping in the total bid cost. Anyway that is what I was thinking about and was seeing if anyone was interested, or if everyone is peppered out for the end of the season/year.
These brain strains are a shocker. At hot pepper night every monday, we make a basket of about 8 different types of superhots, sliced up and then fried, and onions and halapenos added along with them. There are usually 3 or 4 red peppers in the mix and you can tell when someone hits a slice of brain strain, even fried. The bhuts are like semi hot candy compared to these.
I'll be back tonight. Tom
These brain strains are a shocker. At hot pepper night every monday, we make a basket of about 8 different types of superhots, sliced up and then fried, and onions and halapenos added along with them. There are usually 3 or 4 red peppers in the mix and you can tell when someone hits a slice of brain strain, even fried. The bhuts are like semi hot candy compared to these.

Not to derail your auction thread, but this interests me. Do you just fry them in oil or do you bread them and then fry them? I'm thinking a basket of fried peppers breaded like onion rings would be a hoot. Never know until you bit in if it was a Jalapeno or a brain strain. :onfire:
Thats OK, we can talk about the peppers in a minute. I'm looking around for a tutorial on directly posting the pictures in the thread and will get the picture soon.
Let me explain a bit on pepper night. We are actually doing it at a restaurant/bar type place. It started as Monday night football night and morphed into hot pepper night after football was over. Every Monday night, hot peppers sampled to anyone who wants to come. Last week the bar area was full and there was only 2 tables with people in it in the rest of the place.
So, we just give the sliced peppers to the guys in the back and we get a platter in about 5 minutes. all they are doing is fry them like they would do french fries, or they sell onion straws with halapeno slices as an appetizer. You can see the color just fine, but not enough detail to know if they are a brain or a bhut, however, the shape of the slice can be a tell tail give away. However the brains and the morugas look pretty close and are hard to tell. When I'm the one elected to slice that night, I make the brains twice as thick so I can tell the difference in the two, and it is much more brutal on the poor people who choose that slice. (which I hate to say can be rather entertaining)

Well lets see if I can get a picture in here correctly. There are 32 Brain Strains that fit in the box. How about starting the bid at $25 which will include priority shipping. As I said before, if the pods will freeze if they are sent to you, these are not heated and it is up to you on whether you are safe to get these or not.I am only shipping to the US also. How about seeing who wants these and the highest price at 5pm eastern time wins the box. I can answer more questions if needed. Alright, here's the picture:

I got a buddy who's not on the forums looking--but, I pretty much guarantee he isn't going to want to try and compete with an auction.

If you wanna just sell the box for $25 though, shoot me a message with your email and I'll have the guy email you and you guys can talk business.