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Anyone any ideas as to which species this is?

Hi I am keen to try and identify this chilli plant.
I have had it for four years now. It produces chillies all year round.
I bought the plant from a market in Spain.
It is now roughly 5 foot tall and growing. The fruits are small (averaging 2cm), start out green (sometimes black) then ripen to red.
thank you
With all the subspecies there are it's hard to be absolutely sure. It's not the Malawi Bird Pepper. It looks a lot like the African Birdseye I grew for a few years and even the size of the pods is correct. It got pretty bushy, too. Lots of branches within a few weeks.

How hot are the pods?
Looks sorta like a Piquin -- are they very hot and grow tall and bushy ?

They are medium to hot and the chillies fall everywhere and new plants pop up. I have another one in the garden and it too has grown tall and tree like Bushy on top and the stem goes brown.

I like Omri's suggestion will call it 'Bird' :)

Thanks again everyone!