• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Anyone growing Plumeria?

here is the first flower
Thanks to this post, I remembered about this lovely tree.
I just bought 10 mixed seeds off fleabay from Thailand for £1.05 including P&P !!!
They arrived yesterday and I am going to sow them this week.
They don't flower much up in the rainforest but the cuttings I get 100%. No hormones, no drying. Cut( or break and stab them in the ground. The secret ?

I've actually seen my agronomist take a cedar branch at sunup the day after a full moon and peg it. The thing is 15 feet tall now. I will say this effect is more critical within the tropic of cancer. Things I use to propagate in Miamistan are a fail here..... if I don't pay close attention to the moon.

Try it out.I assure you your great grandparent used it.
Thats is intresting, but I just cut mine, let them dry and stick in the ground. I dont use any hormones or anything myself with them.I just cut and when i get motivated stick in the pot, add water and dont do anything until i see leaves froming.