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Anyone growing Yaki blue?

#Jamison's pic of them Yaki Blue is just stunning.  I am growing them this season (located in Australia) and now really really looking forward to it.
And Nigel...thanks for the great review :dance:  :dance:  :dance: ..especially I dare not try them!

My Yaki Blue seedlings..approx. 4 wks old
Nigel said:
Here are my seedlings. There is quite a bit of difference in colouration between plants. What are the rest of you seeing with this hybrid?
Want to post an update on them? any poddage yet?
Nigel said:
After a big setback, my plants are not flowering yet, let alone showing pods  :(
Were those the plants that got nuked by the 'safe' bug treatment?  Did they ever come around?
I have three growing - about 1.5" tall so far and the equivalent stage of growth with the CGN21500 is very very similar.
I know little to nothing about the Yaki's .
I got a freebie of yaki brown seed when I got my Bahamian goat seed form buckeye pepper company.
I gave them along to with a few other varieties to a friend who's a pastor of a chuch in alabama at Christmas when he came up to visit his wife family.
The Yaki blue fawn sounds like a pretty pepper plant and some nice peppers.
I wonder what they taste like I know taste & heat is subjective to each individual.
Apparently they make the floral flavour of bhut more earthy and easy to handle if you don't like that full on Bhut flavour. FBI (Fire Breathing Idiot) on youtube does a good review on the Yaki, he's not a fan of floral flavour but says he's a big fan of the Yaki flavour. The Pimenta De Neydein the cross  adds a level of earthy flavour.
I have to re-engage this topic, I have a nice 3 foot tall yaki that's just starting to take shape and my first pod just popped, the plant is a Lovely almost pure black plant with only a few green/black leaves and the first pod is dark black too, the pod is also current upward facing..

Looking at images of Yaki's it looks to be as stable as a wet fart and about as predictable... Anyone know how far along this thing is meant to be or is it generaly sold as an F2 variety.

Also that being said are there several versions going by the yaki blue name with different parents eg. Pimenta de Neyde etc and other black plants?

Some pods are red some burgundy others purple, black and mottled green / brown .. It's all over the shop
Boost313 said:
Hmm, have both growing. Yaki Blue and Yaki Blue Fawn. Was under the impression they were two different types. As the Yaki Blue goes red. From ones I've seen on FB. Guess we shall see.
I believe they are too, The fawn pods are a different shape and have a more green ripening to purple / brown tinge and the blues are a different shape and start black and ripen to a redish / purple / black... My first pod is almost jet black and very pimenta at the moment with a slight bhut rippling atm but upright .. I would say it will drop over when It gets bigger and heavier though.. Its growing VERY fast, its tripled in size in 4 days.
The pod is currently about an inch long
@ NuclearDays
When I see that pod, I see a Yaki Blue Fawn straight up... So similar already to pods like Mojo Pepper is spruiking.  I have seen many other pepper plants that are much darker and more pimento in look and hence the Yaki Blue.. I'm definitely thinking there's a second variety that has a different second parent or a third cross.
And that would also be why this forum has a split with 50% green plants and 50% black / Green ... Mine would be the darker type and yours the lighter. Your flower also have the Baccatum colouring in the petals were mine are a standard Solid White with purple anthers and stamen.. like an Annuum ....
I'm a 100% sure they are a different variety with different parents..
Nice Macro by the way =D

meatfreak said:
First pods are ripe, beautiful color and variety. This plant has green leaves, pods are Burgundy in color. Other plant has dark leaves and pods are more Chocolate. 

I'm betting NuclearDays pods don't go this route, they will be the pale green purple fawn look. These are what I expect as a  possibility from mine... if not a bit darker.