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overwintering anyone have a pic of a winter plant?


One done by nature. No human pruning done to it

Im trying to figure out if my plants are going dorman or fert burn

Most of us prune before allowing the plant to succumb to the cold weather. Can you shoot some pictures for us to try and help you decide?

This is an Orange Rocoto that is going dormant from not enough light.

It would help if you would let us know the type of variety it is, too, as different varieties respond differently to cold temperatures.
Wow thanks MWM! At first i thought i had fert burn but it looks like mine are going dormant. Hm my TS scorpion is still going strong though thats odd... heres the plants in question

Bhut Jolokia



Some plants can handle to cooler weather and some cannot. Where you are located it seems the nights are getting a bit cold so what you see is normal. Cut way back on the watering if you plan on making them go dormant so that they do not rot.
I been keeping them inside thought. Cant be the cool weather... has to be the lack of light since they only get indirect.

I want to keep them going but im now realizing thats going to prove difficult without a light setup i believe
I'm not 100% sure that looks like nute-burn. You'll notice nute burn as yellowing edges or halves of leaves having turned brown to light green, perhaps some spotting (looks like bugs). How many hours of light are these guys getting? From the looks of it, you have them on the same side of the house. Perhaps the plant in question is getting less direct sunlight, due to it's position in the the line. Not sure which direction your house faces, or the side of the house he plants are on.

Whats the average temperature durring the day and night?

How many nutrients are you feeding your plant?

Are you pH balancing your water?

Ahh... Just read a recent comment.. You have them indoors. Lighting indoors isn't always enough to keep these guys going. An affordable light fixture you can use is something like a couple T5 lights.


those work well enough, and are affordable with low power consumption.
Well to start i kept them in bedroom. so room temp maybe just a tad on warm side. indirect light about 10 hours.

Now i moved them to garage where they can get more direct light. They getting moring indirect light and afternoon direct light. So all in all 10 hours again but more direct than bedroom. I bring them in at night. and day time temps around 60-80. Yes 80 for some reason were having humidity and warm weather this past week.... Super odd for october
Sure you can go all out on lights, but shop wisely before you go. Lots of money can be spent on lighting, and you wont have money for cooling... those HPS and MH lights run hot... to hot for the 21st century IMO

Well to start i kept them in bedroom. so room temp maybe just a tad on warm side. indirect light about 10 hours.

Now i moved them to garage where they can get more direct light. They getting moring indirect light and afternoon direct light. So all in all 10 hours again but more direct than bedroom. I bring them in at night. and day time temps around 60-80. Yes 80 for some reason were having humidity and warm weather this past week.... Super odd for october

you're having weird weather too.. Sounds like our weather...

Hmm... This isnt the most scientific approach, but I like to consider indirect light 1/2 of direct lights value, unless you can get a light meter to prove that wrong, dont over estimate the indirect light. Times of the day can matter too. indirect light durring the mid day means temps are usually warmer and the light is directly above, with the plants providing more surface area than if it was early morning light.

It could be that your plant is going dormant because of the 10 hours of light it's getting. If you half the value of the indirect light, you're looking at less than 10hrs, so that alone will cause some odd behavior.

Also what Milkworkman said.... 100% spot on with that though I'm not familiar with each varieties cold weather vigor.

Forgot to note... Sometimes moving from one location in the house to another means temperature swings. Quick drops, or increases in temperature can cause some stress on the plant. Keep an eye on the garage and indoor temp.
Thanks everyone! No way i can offord a light system so im going to let them run their course. And just let them go dormant if and when they do. They will be all ready to go for next year :)