Anyone have a spare Brain Strain plant?

I had some seeds I had gotten from Cappy, but I have had bad luck. Not the actual seeds fault, lol. I have been experimenting with just about everything this year, and one of those experiments was seeing how young I could start feeding seedlings. I lost about 10-15 seedlings. So, with the onmes that were left after the cat ate some, and from the ones I burnt from ferts, I have screwed myself out of my Brain Strains! Yup, I'm a dummy!
Anypoo...not really looking for seeds. Just pokin' around to see if anyone might have a spare Brain Strain plant they would be willing to trade, or sell. If not, no biggie!
Thanks ya'll!!
I've got one. I'm not exactly sure how to pack it so it makes the journey. Any suggestions? PM and we can figure something out. I want $1,000,000 in unmarked bills and it's yours!
I might hafta take ya ip on that! Hell, maybe you can bring some when you get your butt up here to visit. I can see about rounding Yoop and JJS to meet up as well.
Hey Savannah Ed nice to see ya back and good to hear you garden is going well. Noah that is very kind of you and I'm not going to stop you just ask him nicely to keep the seed to himself and direct any sales to me please. I am sorry you are having a hard time with your seedlings Hot Pooper really, but I am not offering any of my plants to you at this time either. Stop trying so hard and let the plants be plants. Peace. :mouthonfire:
Daddy! Daddy! PRF's fighting with HP again ~~~ make him stop!

Come on, boys, play nice. The THP sandbox should be a safe place.