propogating-cloning Anyone keep clones this year?

Not yet but likely am about to.  I lost track of where I got seed labeled Super Hot Beast.  Had only a few seed.  One plant made it and it is in the ground.  Must have been really late because it is barely putting on pods and the season ends soon.  Not really sure what it is but want to find out.  Hate transplanting from the ground.  Not good at it and it brings bugs indoors.  So likely top n clone.
I am giving cloning a try for the first time.  I have Bubblegum, Choc Bubblegum, Choc Congo, and Reaper for my first attempt.  I am trying it with Aeroponics to start them.
jedisushi06 said:
i may clone my destroyah strain, reaper X ( monster red moruga x 7 pot brown) Or just overwinter the two plants.
Keep those things up there why don't you lol
AJ Drew said:
Not yet but likely am about to.  I lost track of where I got seed labeled Super Hot Beast.  Had only a few seed.  One plant made it and it is in the ground.  Must have been really late because it is barely putting on pods and the season ends soon.  Not really sure what it is but want to find out.  Hate transplanting from the ground.  Not good at it and it brings bugs indoors.  So likely top n clone.
Late season seems to be some of the best. I bet you gotta winner. How does the pod look?
AldenMiller said:
I am giving cloning a try for the first time.  I have Bubblegum, Choc Bubblegum, Choc Congo, and Reaper for my first attempt.  I am trying it with Aeroponics to start them.
Sounds real interesting..I had a chocolate bubblegum that blew me away with taste and a burn. It came out red (From seed), but the best red I've had to date.
I chose two superhot keepers to clone this year. Using a root riot tray (the prepackaged 50 plug tray that sits in its one reservior seems to work and fit better than anything I can get by buying separate trays/reservoirs and I tried multiple stores) with a tall Mondo clear vented hood. One T5. Keep the vent closed for the first week then leAve them open. Just throw the light right on top of the mondo hood. Very happy so far. Almost 100 percent new growth and even from clones that dropped all their leaves. I just pick out the dropped leaves.

A brown moruga that has wide pods and very little tail. Some pods are like a hockey puck or UFO. Hard to eat a whole pod in a sitting..huge. This one varied a lot in heat from beginning of the season to the end but the best of the lot were unreal with a very pungent brown flavor as well as a back of the mouth burn that came went like a roller coaster. Full body tingles an pressure in the back of the head. Best endorphin rush I've had off a pepper. Seemed to relax the muscles and give a body glow after the burn settled that lasted into the next day. Couldn't seem to stay awake after eating these. Neither could my brother. Total nap time with not much stomach burn. Quality pepper. Got 12 to root so far and probably will have more.
My other keeper was an amazing chocolate bubblegum that came out red. I didn't have much expectations and only grew these because I got them for free. Very simular burn as the brown moruga but with a red flavor that also had a bright sweet and fruity flavor that is hard to describe. Even flavored my snot and can see the bubblegum compairison. Unbelievable tasty red with a quality burn to boot. Small late season grower. Got 5 to root so far.
Any updates? Hope I didn't talk too much and kill the thread. Had one more Brown Moruga root but prob about it for this round. Nice cloning projects everyone.

I might do another round of clones myself...had a very high yielding red brain strain that keeps pumping out tasty pods which is growing on me as well as a very late season unknown brown I haven't tried yet.

I get almost too excited about everything about them including the flavor. I have a palette that enjoys extremely pungent flavors and haven't found a superhot I disliked the flavor of.

Anyone reside in socal? I'd love to share some superhota or clones with someone that would appreciate them.
My first attempt at aeroponic cloning didn't take.  The leaves didn't wilt and looked nice and healthy but I had no roots after ten days.  Bought some rooting gel and am giving it another try, hopefully these will take.
That'll probably make a difference.  I tried cloning with a fogger at one point with no luck.  Hopefully you get some good results using the rooting hormone.  I didn't use hormone when i tried.  My Coco clones took a couple weeks to show any roots BTW so maybe 10 day's wasn't enough...probably should have been though.  


Here's a clone of last year's winner.


With a small bottom pepper.
I did.  Had amazing success put them out to early and they all died.  Last year was too late.  This year was to early.  Ill just shot for medium next year.
Think I do some stuff I can actually eat next year too.  Getting much harder to find victims now that I don't have any more friends.  
That small sample pepper was amazing. Flavor and heat are going to be very tough to match on the larger pods. I still can't figure out what genetics it is. It is from seed stock that got cloned due to superior flavor and unmatched heat. But there are only guesses as I lost track of the name.. Cant wait til the larger pods start finishing. This pepper is no joke whatever it is. Still looking for a better pepper plant, but it is a long road.
This year it was my first time I succeeded with cloning, I was previously using just a tap water in a bottle like Khang Starr shown in his youtube channel but it didn't work for me at all. So I decided to try rockwool and all clones are doing great :)
