pests Anyone know what this bug/pest is?

Hi all
I found this on one of my plants today. It looked like the only one there and it was lingering around the new growth at the top of the plant. It tried to crawl away so I flicked it off, took the best pics I could with my phone and crushed it.
In the picture you can see a reddish line. It has that on both sides of its body. That other things is not an antennae, just dirt on my knife. You can get a rough idea of size by comparing it to the box cutter its on. Very light green to white in colour.
I don't think its an aphid, I don't think its a thrip and last of all, how the hell did it get to my plants. All my plants are isolated. They're on the second level balcony with nothing around them.
Should I be concerned?
You've never seen an ant/spider/other bug on a wall????? LOL Yeah, even those that don't fly get around! No idea what it is, but it's pretty cool-looking, even if I can't make it out too well.....
Oh know I know bugs get around but I just hope its not something exclusive to the destruction of plants and if so how the hell did it sniff my plant which is about 40 metres away from the nearest bit of green. I hope its nothing which will kill my first grow season lol.