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anyone out there recognize this ?

this plant was to be a yellow brainstrain , but evidently another seed jumped ship into these seeds . the other 2 were yellow brainstrains but this one . their all about 3" long . they are bumpy around the shoulders kinda hard to tell from this cheesy camera . and puts out tons of pods ! i just picked these , and theres ton more left . thinking maybe king naga . 

I would suspect a cross more likely than a seed mistake.  I have king nagas, and mine are way bumpier than that.  I think keeping seeds separate is easy and would hope most people don't have issues with this, but keeping things from cross pollinating is much more difficult.  D3 got some yellow brain strain seeds from me this year and one of them grew like some sort of bell pepper.  Sure it wasn't a seed slip but a cross.  I didn't save any seeds from bells, but did have some growing.