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  • Well, not sure how but seems the freeze frost went around me. Little damage on a few plants, mostly non hot peppers. Most look like they are unscathed. Maybe I will see peppers into November this year? 10 day looks good, might even hit 80 this week.
    OUrs was supposed to get like that, but last 2 mornings got up to let dogs out around 6 and looked at phone, said it was 38 both times. I did find some minor freeze damage on tops of a few, but overall, not bad.
    More pickens JW just what ya need :)
    Wicked Mike
    Wicked Mike
    It's been hot as Hades down here, but we had our first day in the upper seventies yesterday. Can't wait for things to cool off; my plants are NOT digging the heat and rain.
    Freeze tonight, almost done for year except for the 15 plants my OCD made me put in the garage.
    i'll be pulling them next week, other than the 15 i put in the garage
    Both of you don't want to waste anything not one pod!! Can't blame ya!!
    Go team Go!!!!
    Been home for 6 hours after a week of vacation and storming already again.
    moruga welder
    moruga welder
    how was your trip my friend ?
    Glad your home how'd your garden fair brother? At least house is still there. We could actually use a little rain
    Trip was good Frank. Grant, peppers seem good for most part. Seeing a bit of pod drop and some rot, either BER or pests or probably both. Overall though pepper plants surprisingly healthy and so loaded with pods many of them falling over or branches bent to ground. Almost everything else is dying or dead though. Tomatoes are so sick have green ones rotting on vines. Its just so unbelievably wet here and won't dry out. No rain forecast for 3 days so maybe a little relief.
    Sick of storms. In FL and it stormed all morning. Just got word from home that severe storms right now and 2 possible tornadoes about 25 mi from my house.
    Oh man I hope everything is safe, sorry to hear that my friend. Well anything I harvest you're more than welcome to. So any pepper needs yer covered! Brother make sure you pm me to let me know if all is well. If karma means anything you should be fine. I'll be saying a prayer.
    I am sure it probably is fine. We have a friend watching the house, nothing serious at our house, but it was close. Probably more worried about a drowning than anything. Damn rain won't quit, like a rain forest at home and we got the mosquitoes to go with it.
    same around here but no twisters
    It has been raining since midnight and looks like it won't stop until tomorrow morning. This will surely be the final blow too kill many of the already terminally ill tomatoes.
    moruga welder
    moruga welder
    still drizzling her .its 4:58 a.m. ! chance od rain thru the 22nd.
    Yeah, some of my specialty non hybrids have early blight up here in CT too. Sucks! Trying not to spray with copper fungicide but may have to.
    I give up for this year. 24 hours of steady rain, and leaving tomorrow for a week. They'll be toast when I get back probably. Maybe I'll still get some maybe not. Just as long as the peppers make it.
    sounds like the nightly storm is rolling in, how many inches will it be tonight
    moruga welder
    moruga welder
    my buddy at work said that yesterday . its not if its gonna rain , its how much is it gonna rain !
    Another inch of rain and hail in the last 30 minutes, not what we need here.
    moruga welder
    moruga welder
    hope the plants didn't ge broke . i know what your talking . got some garbage headed our way again ! getting very old
    So far they look mostly ok. It hasn't stopped long enough to go outside to the main garden to get a closer look though. Had some hail in the golf ball size, but the bulk of it was probably dime size or so.
    damn, hail sucks arse. Nothing good comes of it.
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