Roguejim said:Some folks in the fert/nute industry don't believe there's anything special about it. Mostly destructive to bat habitat, as well.
Nuclieye said:
Bagging their poop while they are on vacation in southern Mexico will not harm their mine shaft much.
ColdSmoke said:
That is not how they harvest guano LOL. Maybe not roll your eyes at someone if you are unfamiliar with the topic. There's a high likelihood that I am misunderstanding your comment admittedly so.
I use that same brand of it too in my garden!moruga welder said:i do i do ! SUNLEAVES all purpose .
Helvete said:I love bat guano. I swear by it. It's not cheap so if you can get it for free then do it.
You don't need to use much of it, put about 2 tablespoons (dry!) in a soil blend for about a 3-5 gallon pot when you're mixing.
The Hot Pepper said:I use Peruvian Seabird Guano which is 12-10-3... the collection of bat guano is controversial as you disturb the bats' ecosystem and they often don't return to caves that are collected in unless you are careful... I'm not sure how responsible collection works but you may want to look into it.