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pests Anyone use "trap crops" or companion plants for pest control?

I noticed this year that the deer stayed away from my pepper plants and ate the tomato branches first. Now that most of the tomato's are dying off, they are starting to munch on the pepper plants more.

I think next year i will plant a wall of tomato plants around my prized pepper plants.
I find it funny that the racoons are trying to get into my garbage and leaving my beans and peppers alone. On the other hand, the slugs were terrible this year and almost destroyed the leaves on my beans. I guess they like beans better because I only found a couple on my peppers. I do have a number of peppers that have bug holes in them but I don't know what from, I never catch anything on them. I had aphids for a bit but a lovely spider infestation and a bunch of ladybugs took card of that.
This is an old thread, that I find interesting. I was wondering if anybody ever tried using systemic insecticides on trap plants that attracts aphids and other sucking insects as a form of pest control? The trap plant will not just act as sacrificial plant but as killer plant as well.

Mark T
i prefer not to attract aphids to any part of my garden. i prefer to starve them rather then feed them. kill them as soon as i have spotted them. soap water cleans their protective coating and it kills them.