water Anyone use water filters for garden?

I use these from Amazon - - > http://www.amazon.com/Garden-Hose-Filter-Chloramines-Pesticides/dp/B007I6MN72/ref=pd_sbs_auto_9?ie=UTF8&refRID=1TP1S1ZMZ028F4MB6SP1
Last year I used two inline and they worked great (they watered my entire garden area for a season).  This year, I'm building a three 4.5" x 20" RO canister setup.  It will have one sediment filter and to two highflow active carbon filters, to remove the chloromine and chlorine.  This setup should be good for about 150,000 of filtered water.
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Thank you.  This will be first season I will be using one.  Sometimes I don't have time to go back and forth from a barrel with water.  So I 
have to grab the hose and water quickly.

I was thinking about getting the Boogie Blue Water Filter, but they are out of stock right now.
OH OH! I have some good info here:
I bought this and it sucked. My water pressure blew the thing open, literally. I had carbon everywhere.
So, I returned that one and bought this one instead and I love it! It helps to keep the chlorine from killing my micros and the water tastes pretty good. It is not a perfect filter, but it definitely helps.
Just keep the water pressure as low as you can so the filter filters out more. If the water flows faster, the filter will not work as well.
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Cheers guys - never thought about caravan water filters to remove chlorine.  I spent hours filling 65L tubs up to air-off chlorine.  For $20, I can go straight from my garden hose, such a time saver :)
Streamer said:
I sometimes keep a 55 gallon drum full of city water during droughts.... Just let it air overnite  and the chlorine dissipates on its own
It takes more time that that to de-gas a huge tank of water.  Also, some cities use chloramines which take days or even weeks to dissipate. 
Vitamin C is quick, cheap, and easy.  One pill will de-chlorinate an entire bathtub / drum of water. 