Anyone used this neem

ShowMeDaSauce said:
Harris 100% cold pressed neem oil. Got it because they wanted about $15/8oz of the Dyna Go. I got some Dr Bonners already to mix with it.
The 100% cold pressed is the way to go.  I haven't used
this particular brand, but others have performed well for me.
Just use warm water when you mix the solution. Also, warm
the NEEM  to fully liquify it before you mix some up. Good luck
with it. I hope you don't have to use it too much!
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I haven't used that one, but got this 
It's also, 100$ cold pressed, works well for me.  And I'm also using Dr. Bronner's this year, I have the peppermint soap, as I use it in the shower, and the peppermint is supposed to help with some pests too.  I used to use regular dish detergent, but I've read that's a big no-no.
On a side note, I've read that you shouldn't mix more than you need as once added to water, the neem oil degrades within hours.  Does anyone know about this at all?
I understand it separating out of the solution, that's where the warm water and soap help to emulsify it, but I was hoping to be able to mix a couple gallons and use as needed.  Just shaking the hell out of it each time I needed.
I wonder how they make those premixed neem oil spray bottles if it does actually go bad in hours/days.
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Any 100% cold pressed that's an authentic product, will work.  
I've tried to get away from even soap and use more surfactants and wetting agents.  Aloe, coconut, and yucca based, all have worked well for me, with less leaf damage than soap.  And obviously, never use detergent.
I'll chip in my .02 and offer this one too.  Dr. Adorable cold pressed virgin pure organic from India for $1.06 an ounce on the amazons.
Take a gallon water, pour a quart of it out and get it nice and warm.  Add tbsp of the neem and tsp of the soap and shake the heck out of it.  Then add that back to rest of the water and shake.  Sprayed morning or evening, shake it some more as you go along.  No issues yet.  Leaves a nice sheen when it's done and dried so you know it's on there.
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