pests Aphid after damage?

So I had a little aphid infestation a week or so ago and killed them but now some leaves are coming out damaged. Could this be just an after affect or do I have another problem to be worried about?




Plants exhibiting aphid damage can have a variety of symptoms, such as decreased growth rates, mottled leaves, yellowing, stunted growth, curled leaves, browning, wilting, low yields and death. The removal of sap creates a lack of vigour in the plant, and aphid saliva is toxic to plants. Aphids frequently transmit disease-causing organisms like plant viruses  to their hosts. Source
It could also be sign of some mineral deficiency such as calcium or maybe even magnesium, but its most likely to be aphid damage after effect  
More efficient way would be foliar spraying the plant, take in mind that calcium is not mobile nutrient so deformed leaves won't be able to 'fix' themselves, bur rather it would only affect new growth. And you should go to your like plant center or whatever its called and ask for calcium foliar spray or some containing all minerals needed for healthy development of plants. An additional measure would be checking pH level of soil making sure your plants can actually absorb calcium from the soil. (It shouldn't be too acidic)