pics Aphid pic + troubled plant (Pics)

Finally picked up a crappy microscope.  Taking a picture wasn't the easiest thing, but here it is.  Woo, aphid.

Can't seem to get rid of them this time, even when pulling out poisons and pruning the plants to sticks.
The leaves look a little funny as they grow back, do you guys think it's just aphid damage or something else going on?

They're wrinkly and thin, and much yellower than they should be.  Not sure how noticeable it is under the lights.  I've cut back on ferts so that they don't burn after the pruning, have they hit a deficiency?
Mine get stressed whenever they get a pyretherin bath.
Top, bottom, undersides of plants and everything around them, repeat in a week to kill the newly hatched eggs, again in another week if you notice even the smallest creepy crawlers.
If you let them mature, they prolly took wing and are hiding out.
Successfully rid my plants of aphids indoors recently but it took close to a month.  First step was an upside down dunk in warm soapy water while swooshing them around a bit.  Followed that up by spraying every inch of the plant at the sink with the hose attachment.  Then hit them with bayer advanced rose and flower insect spray(Thanks Kevin).  I sprayed them every few days after that, only at night and now there is not one aphid that I have found and I check often. 
Have you tried insecticidal soap. Potassium fatty acid? Works great. Kill the first set. Then after the eggs hatch.
I nuked em about a week ago. I still have aphids all over my plants, only difference is they are dead. I have literally a few stragglers that will get taken care of when I follow up with a secondary assault. pyrethrin is Key!
try the soapy water dunking as the initial battle guys followed with a good spraying with the water hose if you can.  That made the most impact
Gotrox said:
If you let them mature, they prolly took wing and are hiding out.
     This is important to remember. ^^^ Now that your plants have no foliage, your aphid population took the hint and is flying around your house looking for food elsewhere. They WILL find your plants again, it's only a matter of time. Keep a close eye on your plants for new infestation. Also, once your plants look a little healthier, hit them with some neem or more pyrethrin. IPM is key with bad infestations.
     I've been dealing with aphids on my OWs this year, so I am constantly on the lookout for the little bastards. When I opened this thread and saw that first pic, I almost punched my computer screen.  :shocked: