pests Aphids and Pot Size

So right now im battling aphids from the plants i overwintered from last season (Two habenero plants) Ive been using the Cayane pepper/dishsoap/water combo and ive noticed a little bit of change over the last couple of days. (They arent gone but theres a lot less of them) Should i try an actual pesticides like sevin? or should i just keep using the Soap water for now? Also I currently have about 20~ varieties of peppers growing atm with two plants of each variety, due to space constrictions i think i may reduce my plants to one of each variety. Now i currrently have them in six inch pots to start them but i plan on moving them to bigger pots. My only question is what size should i transplant them to? I have my two Habenero plants in five gallon buckets but that seem like such overkill. I was debating between 2 and three gallon nursery pots. Anyone have any suggestions?
For aphid control see link
About your other question. Are you just over wintering or extending your grow?
OK. You always want the largest pot you can afford and or manage period. What defines that is space available indoors or out. Indoors includes appropriate lighting and temp range to either overwinter or extend the current growing season. What is your situation and intentions?
If you can, washing them with water will get rid of most and then add the usual spray mix after. Im using safers 3in1 right now because its cheap and it does work, just not permanent solution.
In the pictures you can see their all dead, except one that I see, their brown now instead of green. I didnt wash these before, forgot :oops:

dragonsfire said:
If you can, washing them with water will get rid of most and then add the usual spray mix after. Im using safers 3in1 right now because its cheap and it does work, just not permanent solution.
In the pictures you can see their all dead, except one that I see, their brown now instead of green. I didnt wash these before, forgot :oops:

Why not opt for a permanent solution then. Aphids are not something you want to play with on a temporary basis especially with an indoor grow. The solution I have been repeatedly  promoting absolutely works and you can try it FREE. you dont even have to pay postage.
Well, im just just kind of growing them indoors atm, not really expecting fruit over the winter. (Not sure if i have the light requirements (2300 lumens per bulb two bulbs  per lamp, three lamps)) Other than the room i currently have them in is about 12' x 10'. Theyre all still growing on a 4ft steel shelf with one 4ft lamp over each shelf. I was thinking about going with 2 gallon nursery pots as the room size is limited.
From my experience the only thing that really works is lady bugs. The next best thing was Sevin. I've tried the hippie home remedies, but at the end of the day they really only did more damage to my pants than the aphids! Seriously. Mix some concoction with eye of nute, Spray. Wait a day. Spray. When aphids reappear in a week reapply. Wait a day. Spray again.

Now don't get me wrong, if you're using Sevin make sure it's in a controlled situation. I sprayed all my plants outside to ensure that the dog/kids didn't get into any of it. Wash your hands after handling. After a few days rise your plants.

Make sure you don't have any other plants housing aphids otherwise they'll migrate and re-infest you plants.

With GUARDIAN you dont need to take such precautions. Its safe, it works, it smells great and it is free to try.
When I use to bring plants indoors for winter I would mix up a 5 gallon batch of neem. Cut them right down and bare root them, dip soak in neem solution for a 30 seconds, I never had any problems with bugs. Also you don't need giant pots to start.I find its better to work your way up as the plants grow. You can grow huge plants in small pots if you have all the needs met. A lot of people I feel go overkill on pot size.
Same, i was having the same results with the soap mixture home remedy where it seemed to be doing more damage than good. As far as the plants go they've all pretty much outgrown their pots. i planted them all in six inch pots and all my plants are close to 12" tall. (Morugas are short but very big regardless) I actually reduced my plant population by half (i now have 22 plants) to make much more room for the remaining plants. I felt like a murderer throwing the "extra" plants out of their pots and into the yard. I think im going to go with 2 gallon pots for now and if i need to change them up before the summer i can. As far as the aphids go i went and emailed CAPCOMs acquaintance and received a reply. Currently waiting on him sending me out a sample so well see how that works. Until then i picked up a bottle of ortho fruit, vegetable and herb insecticide. I hate these aphids so much they make me ridiculously angry