pests Aphids! Arrrrg!

Greetings to all!

I have an aphid problem! I tried ladybugs and they all flew away. Lookin to go to a home made solution. Any suggestions (that actually work and wont kill my plants)? There are yellow eggs as well! I should have guessed when I saw ants coming and going.
A sharp stream of water will kill many as will horticultural soaps sprayed onto them.
They breathe through their bodies so if you can coat them they die. A Google search will show you many things to try.
Lightly spray your ladybugs with sugar water before releasing them. The sugar solution will dry on their shells and prevent them from opening up their wings and flying away for a few days.

You said there are yellow eggs...ladybugs lay yellow eggs all in a tight cluster, so that may be a good thing. Aphid eggs are smaller and usually gray or white. Do a google for "ladybug eggs" and check out the images.
You said there are yellow eggs...ladybugs lay yellow eggs all in a tight cluster, so that may be a good thing. Aphid eggs are smaller and usually gray or white. Do a google for "ladybug eggs" and check out the images.
Damn. Yeah, those were those alright. I got rid of them. No more!

Thanks to all for the suggestions. Keep 'em rollin.
Need some more info.

how many plants?
pots or ground?
how many ladybugs you get?

I had a problem but after a couple of ladybug treatments on my 15 or so pots with 25000 ladybugs they are now gone.
I heard it wont kill ladybugs...

but I am looking for stuff more like the soap, water, alcohol, oil type of thing. If you have a recipe for a aphid destroyer, post it here.
I tried a mixture of mineral oil, ivory soap, and water. Sprayed it on, left it for an hour, then rinsed it off. It killed all of the aphids but left the oil on the plant. I spent an hour or two wiping down each leaf. I'd rather avoid that. I'm thinking of trying the soap and water (maybe alcohol and hydrogen peroxide) as suggested by HotPeppas.

As much as Google is our friend, Google talks a lot.... like A LOT a lot. I figured I'd ask the people who know not just pests but pests on their peppers.

Should I be worried about the flowers or peppers growing from the plants or just wash 'em well when I am harvesting?
The protective waxes that coat the leaves are soluble in alcohol, so I would avoid that. You could end up with plants that are sunburned to death.

Mineral oil, soap, H2O2 and alcohol are all harmless to humans in the quantities that will be left on any peppers, but you should always wash your harvest...nature is dirty!
If you've only got 5 plants, and have the time available, head out twice a day for a few days in a row and just kill all the aphids you see by hand.

I wouldn't recommend it for a larger job, but manually killing them worked for me and they haven't been back since.

I'll keep promoting this stuff because it warded off those pesks both times I've had them!

To keep aphids and other pests off your goodies, Mix up a batch of this amazing antidote

1 Small onion (Chopped Finely)
2 medium cloves of Garlic (Chopped Finely)
1 Tablespoon of LIQUID dish soap
2 cups of water

Put all of the ingredients in a blender, blend on high, and then strain out the pump..
Pour the liquid into a handheld mist sprayer, and apply LIBERALLY to stop any Aphid Trouble.

Give it a shot, got this recipe out of a Green Gardening book! Good stuff!

Hope it helps!
