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pests Aphids!!! HELP!!!

I'm only about two weeks out until garden planting and now have found some yellow leaves and many little white this attached to the tops and bottoms of my pepper leaves. These look to me to be aphids.

All I can find is to spray with a soapy water solution (dish soap or hand soap?) or to use diatomaceous earth.

I've done the spraying once, but now find a few plants with these critters again. I'll try to pick up some diatomaceous earth tomorrow.

So, do I dust the plant and soil with the stuff or what????

Hurry please!!!
do a search for the word aphid.. here on the site.. there are tons of threads. got to pick up my wife from work.. or i would get into this more, sorry padre. hope you get'em.
Don't know about diatomaceous earth, but a pyrethrin & garlic spray seems to work fairly well,
becareful using liquid soaps as some of them are petroleum based and can burn your plants!
white aphids? Top and bottom of the leaves?.does not sound like aphids. Could other pest. Good soap and neem spray would do some good.
diatomaceous earth?.is there ants as well?.usually used for ants and snails.
Lady bugs!!! Had em pretty bad earlier this year and they're more than under control. Don't use all the pesticides etc if you're going to use ladybugs. It'll kill them too. Good luck!!
WickedMojo recommended some stuff to me a week or so ago, and it has worked AWESOME for me. The brand is Bayers, and it's called "Vegetable and Garden Insect Spray." I sprayed probably 4 days ago, and have not seen one aphid since. I will be spraying the REST of the bottle tomorrow. I bought it at Lowe's for $10.97. You just put it on the end of the hose, turn the little dial to "G," and turn the water on. Then just blast the bastards!
If ya get it, I hope it works as good for YOU as it has for ME. Good luck!
WickedMojo recommended some stuff to me a week or so ago, and it has worked AWESOME for me. The brand is Bayers, and it's called "Vegetable and Garden Insect Spray." I sprayed probably 4 days ago, and have not seen one aphid since. I will be spraying the REST of the bottle tomorrow. I bought it at Lowe's for $10.97. You just put it on the end of the hose, turn the little dial to "G," and turn the water on. Then just blast the bastards!
If ya get it, I hope it works as good for YOU as it has for ME. Good luck!

I thought that stuff was a once per year thing.
yeah lady bugs pretty much eat everything, then have babies that continue to eat. i would avoid the garlic spray because it kills good bugs too. there is a spray that you can make from tomato leaves that is supposed to only kill bad bugs. But the lady bugs we released a month ago took care of everything and now we see the babies in the garden.
Mix 7 1/2 ml of neem oil and 2 tsp of Ivory soap to the qt of warm water spray every three days to kill large ones and there baby's and new ones for two weeks well take of them will not hurt good bugs unless you spray on them. use only soap as detergent will burn your plants. good luck with the war
I am very happy today.i found lady bugs on my hot pepper plant.i found a few more in other stages larva and Cocoons. I took have aphids on my plants. I did neem sprays and I think the aphids just move to plants.
5 ml is one teaspoon ,15 ml is one tablespoon

I have to do a light spray or dip as I'm inside and the little lady will not allow a herd of Lady Bugs in the house, no matter how much I love my peppers.

I'll check some products to day at the big box and have some garlic blend in the refer steeping.......