pests Aphids:( (update:4 The lacewings won the battle)

Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     For outdoor aphid infestations, I've found that planting marigolds among my peppers works really well. The habitat they provide maintains a natural population of ladybugs lacewings and hoverflies. Marigold seeds are way cheaper than ladybugs, plus the predators stay there all season long.
agree ! and they look prettier !     :onfire:
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     That's where the marigolds (and other continuously blooming flowers) come in handy. Lacewings eat nectar and pollen to supplement their insect diet. If you mix attractive plants in with your peppers, the lacewings will hang out on them and patrol the area for aphid outbreaks. 
     Maybe you could grow some marigolds in 1 gallon containers on the balcony and just move them indoors near your peppers periodically. That way you don't have to dedicate valuable indoor real estate to growing them full time.
Thats a great idea, going to see if i can buy some marigolds on the way home today:)
newril said:
Thats a great idea, going to see if i can buy some marigolds on the way home today:)
     Right on. That's one of the best investments a gardener can make, imho. A sixpack of starts will cost a buck or two and marigolds will get HUGE if you let them. The ones I planted in my raised beds last season got over 2" tall with hard, woody trunks that were thicker than my thumb. (A real surprise, considering how heavily I pruned them.) They were covered with dozens of flowers at any given time all summer long. I never saw an aphid all year.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     Right on. That's one of the best investments a gardener can make, imho. A sixpack of starts will cost a buck or two and marigolds will get HUGE if you let them. The ones I planted in my raised beds last season got over 2" tall with hard, woody trunks that were thicker than my thumb. (A real surprise, considering how heavily I pruned them.) They were covered with dozens of flowers at any given time all summer long. I never saw an aphid all year.
The store didn't have any marigolds yet, they said that they will start selling them in about 2 weeks. Bought some marigold seeds and 2 pelargonium just to have something while i wait.
Don't know if the lacewings will eat them or not, but its the only pollen that they can get.
Have seen atleast 3 hatched lacewings in here.