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disease-pests Aphids vs. me

Aphids, might as well change soil and wash the plant thoroughly or they will come back, find some ladybugs if you can. 
They wiped out %80 my plants last year.
I was out of town for a while and came back to find some of my plants with severe aphid infestation, I'll deal with that but I also found this guy lurking around, any idea what he is? Thanks!
They are still dead, if they come back I'll be waiting. Good way to vent stess from studying is to sit there and crush aphids on the plant...beer helps yoi develop patience...crushing them improves physical dexterity. I think ive lost my mind.
Arakh said:
I was out of town for a while and came back to find some of my plants with severe aphid infestation, I'll deal with that but I also found this guy lurking around, any idea what he is? Thanks!
Public enemy #2.
I had a perfect indoor environment for my grow until I brought a favorite pepper plant inside to "over winter" it. The outdoor pepper had Aphids (couldn't see them on the plant when I brought it indoors). Now I have those little Aphids infesting my entire indoor grow !!!
I'm trying to figure out how to get rid of those things.  Once my grow is done, I'll prolly start a small fire in the grow room. Raise the temperature to 2-300 degF to kill every last one of them.....  but then there is the house. My house. The same house that the grow room is in.  I hate those damn things !!!!!
Washing them was the most effective, then i put tape around the branches curled into tube, that would catch them real well. Used that clear packing tape. Their was a thread on this last year.
They are persistent but I've got my entire life to fight them.  Like some of the tips everyone has shared, tape on the stem, hose the plant down, light use of insecticides (after pepper harvest) and cutting the plants way back to limit their distribution. 
My scorpion Moruga has white flies on it now and they will face the same fate as their aphid bredren.  Any suggestions for these little @#!$?
Appreciate the knowledge sharing!