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pests Aphids?

Not 100% sure, I have never had aphids before? Are these aphids?

Not the best picture, but you get the idea. The small ones are kinda whitish colored. It appears as they get bigger they are turning pink/red?

I have to monitor and spray some of my plants daily with a spray bottle with mild dish soap and water.
They were very annoying at first but after my daily washing they are becomming less common.
Also I've noticed a healthy population of ladybugs lately which are a great natural defense against the annoying buggers.
I just brought this plant inside to overwinter. It is still survivable outside as far as temp goes. Should I toss this sucker out side and spray it until the bugs are gone? :mouthonfire:
FadeToBlack said:
Spray it with mild soapy water and let it sit for about 5 minutes and then give it a good washdown with water.

Sound advice. Don't forget to give it a wash down after you spray it. I've found that many of the 'home remedies' are as bad as the aphids if you don't rinse them off.
Ok, I am planning to spray em down this afternoon. I haven't seen any of these buggers on the other plants. I gotta double check all the other plants and hopefully I don't find any other friends.
inolan22 said:
Ok, I am planning to spray em down this afternoon. I haven't seen any of these buggers on the other plants. I gotta double check all the other plants and hopefully I don't find any other friends.

I havent noticed any on my tomatoes or basil either.
They seem to prefer my pepper plants.
Since we know that foliar feeding is absorbed more quickly than soil feeding, does spraying with soapy water not pose a threat to the plant's health?

Just curious - I know most people combat aphids in this way, but this is the first thread where I've read that you should rinse the plants after application...
huntsman said:
Since we know that foliar feeding is absorbed more quickly than soil feeding, does spraying with soapy water not pose a threat to the plant's health?
I does. That's why you need to use non-antibacterial soap. You are only useing a drop of soap generally also.
I wouldn't imagine that it's much of a problem if you do it when the pours of the plant are closed. They're fully open early morning and late evening, but are closed pretty much all day especially in the heat.

I recommend rinsing the plants off after a short period because of the black spots and 'rust' that formed on the leaves after I applied a number of "home remedies". The spots and rust formed on all the places where the remedy was allowed to pool. In the end it did more damage to my plants than the aphids. The black spots and rust may be avoided if you spray your plants down shortly after the treatment. Just a theory though.
I only leave it on a few minutes and rinse it right off. The ants and aphids die very quickly and should wash right off with the clean water.
Also most of the time when there are not that many I just use plane water in a spray bottle to blast them off.
I have only used soap when they seem to be getting more dense on the plant.

I sprayed mine on five days ago, and had no idea that it should be rinsed!

Won't make that mistake again, so thanks.

Good point with the timing of the treatment also - Nutrients for brekkie and soap for lunch it is...
If you are giving them soap for lunch, just make sure they aren't in direct sunlight until they dry or you'll end up with a bunch of burn marks on your plants. Each little drop acts like a magnifying glass and will concentrate the light onto one area. It'll really do a number on your leaves.
i was wondering why i got the burn, i never knew either that i was supposed to wash the spray off? Makes sense I havent had much bug problems lately at all. and the pours are open at dusk and dawn. so the best foliar feeding is at these time? ladybugs awesome as well, check other plants around your peppers i had a bush next to my plants that had shit loads trying to figure out where all these aphid were coming form every day, found a huge populating on the bush neemed it blasted it soaped it now barely any aphids at all.