if you get a really good price, take good care of it and have a good supplier for lights & rooting cones, it might be worth it.
i know people that have them and have looked at used ones and here is what i observed:
you should limit a single grow session to 4-8 months, then clean the unit to let the cheap airstone dry. the airstone seems to be attached in a unfriendly fashion. i have seen stones broken and crumbled, when i attempted to turn the broken airstone it seemed to be sealed in. some had the plastic structure that housed the airstone split/cracked and even broken. i am guessing running the airstone in water is damaging, i know if i leave an airstone in my homemade unit it eventually crumbles. lucky the stones are available at walmart for $3.00 for a carton of 4.
i have seen units with a broken base but that looked like physical abuse.
once you run out of the fertilizer pellets you can use any hydroponic nutrients, i have compared aerogarden nutrient with other hydro nutrients and they are quite similar. so no worry there.
my guess is you would start the seeds in your germination chamber, then move them into the aerogarden, they get covered by a dome cover with the lights lowered, then as the plants begin to grow, dome is removed and direct exposure to the lights. you may wish to resume with the domes when the lights are off. once the plants hit a certain size you pretty well have to move them out of the aerogarden, not only will the plants get to large and out grow the light height but the roots will entangle themselves.
i think once you get your grow pattern down, you will be quite happy with the unit, due to its size and convenience.
good luck.