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breeding Are all hybrids safe? Is this even a chilli?

Hi all,

Great forum I've been reading posts here for a while.

I've had these odd plants come up when I planted a bunch of my backyard chilli seeds.

I guess they're a hybrid, but they don't even look much like a chilli?

Are all chilli hybrids safe to eat - assuming it ends up with chilli-like fruit on it?

FYI, I had a Birdseye, a jalapeño, an 'Ali yellow' and a Hungarian black all growing next to each other.

I planted seeds from each in a big pot but these came up and they all look very similar with the same odd leaf shape.

Cheers for any advice!
As peppers are part of the nightshade family it has been suggested that in unripe fruits of this family (tomato's - peppers etc) there is believed to be some that may contain traices of toxin etc. But this is more in relation to the flowers and buds etc that I wouldn't recommend eating for any reason lol....
I have yet to hear of any particular variety etc that would be toxic and making a cross should not increase this possibiltiy..
Short answer is no, no issue for crosses, some of the most popular variety's are hybrids.. Long answer, there might be some particular rare strain that may contain some small trace of something.. But I have never heard of it..
All this being said I am not a botanist by any means just a humble pepper grower....
P.S That doesn't look like a pepper to me.. Peppers don't tend to have that long staggered leaf pattern per branch..
Welcome to the forum Sync. That doesn't look to be a pepper plant to me. I've never seen a pepper with that type of leaf pattern. I guess you'll just have to finish growing it out and see what it develops into ;)
Not peppers for sure, in the plant in question the entire stem that has leaves is actually one leaf (similar to the way tomato leaves grow). Could very well be a member of the nightshades but not a Capsicum.
Not peppers. Almost looks  like poison sumac. I don't think that's what it is, it just looks like it.
Going to ditto everyone else: Not a pepper.  If it fruits, probably a bad idea to put it into your mouth.
Dicot with opposite leaf arrangement and pinnately compound leaf types, leaf shape lanceolate with entire leaf margins with what appears to be a combination of eleven petiolate and sessile leaf attachments. Is there no local vegetation that looks like this, I would search the above with in your country, maybe dropped there from a bird? What was it supposed to be, where did you get those seeds? From who or what country?