Are any chilli/pepper cultivars, species or types actually annual?

Are all chilli's perennial, or are some annual? I'm finding this a tough one to get on top of. 
Alternatively - are all chillis worth over-wintering? 
Depends in the zone you live in.
The zone that I live in, I have a few options. You won't be able to do it naturally (at least the breeds that I am aware of).
If you want an annual, if possible, invest in grow lights so you can over winter the peppers
I left some ghost peppers in the ground and they barely made it back a live, they struggled, only produced 8 pods that whole year
Winter season stressed and damaged all of my ghost pepper plants...then came the excessive heat wave and stressed them out even more! RIP
You would have the best luck with Pubescens varieties. Here in Melbourne I had three, four year old Rocoto plants that were seven feet tall and thriving. All were permanently in a garden bed, and never brought indoors. They were removed prematurely to make way for a new raised bed.