seeds Are Jamaican Hot Chocolate especially difficult to germinate??

Hi pepper lovers,
I have been germinating a lot of different varieties lately but i have had particularly bad luck with Jamaican Hot Chocolate seeds, from 2 different vendors.
Just wondering if it is bad luck or if these seeds are known to be stubborn?
I haven't got any to sprout out of 30+ seeds.
Thanks for any help. :)
My Jamaican Hot Chocolate seeds also came from Tradewinds and I ended up ok. I did have some germination problems overall with my peppers this year, I don't recall if  I had problems with those.
Mine actually germinated faster then any of the other seeds in the batch I sprouted (Which also included dhalle khursani, amarillo, aribibi gusano, and wiri wiri) and took only about three days, which seemed a bit abnormal for a super hot pepper.
They came from Tradewinds.
Takanotsume said:
and took only about three days, which seemed a bit abnormal for a super hot pepper.
All peppers can be a mixed bag.  I have had rocotos that took over a year to germinate, and I got a batch of 7 Pot Primo that the guy I got them from, said took 2 weeks to a month to germinate - which germinated in 3 days for me.  Sometimes, it's almost impossible to know what the conditions are that produce optimal germination rates.  Which is why if it's a high value specimen  for me, I try to start them using multiple methods, for the best chance of success.